My first grow. please help[


Active Member

im goinjg to go get more lights right now and on top of the closet theres a big ass fan blowing on em

just need some suggestions and tips


Well-Known Member
1 move the light a bit closer you can have those cfls about 3 inches from them without burning there looking a tad stretched

2 keep those light on 24 or 18 hours a day in veg state

3 when switching to flower mode use warm cfl 2700 k looks like you got 6500 k bright white in there now flower stage have light on 12 hours

4 looking pretty dam healthy so far man good job


Well-Known Member
Looking nice so far so keep doing what you are doing. More light will def. be great for them. How old are they?


Active Member
thanks for the replies

and theyre about 3 weeks old.

and the lighting is so far away because their held up on a bent hanger because i couldnt think of anything else to fasten them to. any suggestions?

but i went out and got two more lights and an HPS light

does anyone know what type of ballast i need for the HPS? cus i kinda got it on the 5 finger discount for free.99 haha.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks? shit, seriously i have 8 in same size cab, only 2 23w w reflector 2 weeks in and 4-5 inches and BUSHY.. whats your soil?


Active Member
some miracle gro moisture control potting mix

it WAS some shitty cheap soil but we changed that about 2 or 3 days ago


Well-Known Member
just kinda slow growth, im a week behind you and have you by some size, i really dont know what is "normal"


Well-Known Member
There is no "normal" speed of growth it 90% depends on genetics so as long as they are healthy, dont worry! Did you mix your soil with some perlite or vermiculite?


Well-Known Member
Those look good for only being under two lights, try and get an extra light and dedicate one light to one plant. Also get the lights about 2-3 inches away from plants.


Well-Known Member
and the lighting is so far away because their held up on a bent hanger because i couldnt think of anything else to fasten them to. any suggestions?
I use suspension curtain rods. ....the kind you twist to lengthen/shorten. That way I can move them anywhere in the closet. I also use one to hold the electrical chords away from the lights and plants.

I've also used household lamps/lights to improvise and got creative. Not the best setup, but it works. As soon as I can I'm going to go get more of the clamp on lights, but in the meantime, the household lamps are working.



Active Member
yeah ive got 3 lights now and an HPS light but the HPS isnt set up yet

trying to convince my mom to get me some LEDs too