My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

I left my plants alone for the weekend and when I returned --WOW-- they had grown 4 links on the chain! It also looks like biggie has the smallest of preflowers and I'm not expert but i'm tempted to think its a female. I need confirmation - please let me know what you think.

Also Buddy, the strange experiment of turning a bud into a plant looks more promising. I practically gave up on him weeks ago but it looks like there is new growth. I might be able to snip his top as a clone and start again. Wonderful weed (which is my current stash) so it would be amazing if I could revive this particular unknown strain.

Also, Kinky is bushy as hell.


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Picture1: are we talking about the V... between the Stipule and the left branch? As long as we are, and Im not imagining things... then I would say it's looking fem!

Picture2: LMFAO, you playing god over there?! Looks like frankenstein! That's awesome that you are reviving it though!

Picture3: Kinky IS looking bushy and good. Working on the 11th nodes??

Thanks again for the PM. That was really awesome!
Hey man....

Okay, so I was up hunched over my plants just staring at them like a freak.. and I was thinkin "Man.. I wish I could tell Drybie if this filter works... I'd think theyd have to smell pretty potent for me to even know..." then I realized that I could smell something right then and there... and I thought... well, I have a fan pulling air from the box where there is a smell (though not super strong).... So, I shut the box... then began breathing the air blowing out of the exhaust/filter.... And I could not smell that scent at all.. I smelled another scent... it kinda just smelled like "fresh air".

Thats the best i know so far..

Although, if I could make my suggestion... Build the filter. The whole shebang was like $12... and that's if you dont have cotton balls, pantyhose, layin around... most expensive part was the activated carbon... that shit was like $5.

So like... carbon was like $5... the cups were like $5... the pantyhose and cotton balls were each a buck.
Odor control day.

method 1:

put febreze in the bucket with holes in it. Fan blowing down into the frebreze, deodorizing the air and out through the side holes.

method 2 (big up to curb):
activated charcoal filter for a hepa air purifier stuffed into an ABS tube at the end of my exhaust.

results: good for now - smell is contained in room...but I'm still not flowering so who knows.

Got a better shot of Biggies preflower. I'm pretty sure she female. Still not sure about Kinky. Can't quite see because they are so small but it looks like balls. Maybe the calyxes will grow out of the tiny little protrusions. Wait and see I guess. This weekend I think I'm going to cut some clones and then put the plants under a metal halide for a week or 2 and then drop into 12/12 with an hps while the clones grow.

Also, i've noticed that the plants prefer a bunch of cfls over 4ft fluorescents. Mr. Green (see youtube) recommended the fluros - damn his eyes.


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Id say female as well...

You can tell the cfl is more bright than the 4ft even in the pics...

Im so stoked you got a female. Yours looks about as far along as mine!
True, but 2 of the 4-footers are multi-spectrum bulbs made especially for growing so they give off a pinkish light that isn't necessarily bright to human eyes but the plants like it because they eat up the red and blue wavelengths.

If I grow again, I'll probably think of going more your route - lower key, more contained, small yet bright, although running the risk of 2 males is risky - i'm glad you've got at least #3.
nice dude!.. im on my first grow now too ..
1st week of flowering ... 10/13 plants MALE 2 fem .. 1 undecided
treat those girls good !!!!!
i was also impressed with CFL growth.... but i still think im gonna add that 150w econo hps to my veg room
Yeah, running just 2 plants is risky as far as gender. Id be totally upset if I got males. Im super stoked #3 has confirmed female gender :).

Damn, more people are getting that 150w econo.. That place is going to become rich as fuck. lol
Yeah, running just 2 plants is risky as far as gender. Id be totally upset if I got males. Im super stoked #3 has confirmed female gender :).

Damn, more people are getting that 150w econo.. That place is going to become rich as fuck. lol

lol i would say extremely risky .. i would do at least 5
hey drybiedog
you where over in my grow so i came over to see what you got going on
so you dug out crawl space.did you have to put it buckets to get it out
great fix on your humity problems

bc seedking eh great deals,i will be introducinga seed mix from there tonite
and dont be suprisedif some kusk pops up in the next couple weeks

nice grow and journal you got here
I am a cfl guy & I LOVE IT! Cheaper, sufficient, closer proximity. I also use hps too but cfl's work great for veg...
cheap and slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
trust me
a 1000 hps could grow out 3 times as much bud in HALF the time
cfl is just BARELY enough for the plants TO SLOWLY CREAP AND CRAWL AND DRAG THEIR power hungry bodies up towards a very WEAk not not not powerful lamp
they cry at night while you sleep
cheap and slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
trust me
a 1000 hps could grow out 3 times as much bud in HALF the time
cfl is just BARELY enough for the plants TO SLOWLY CREAP AND CRAWL AND DRAG THEIR power hungry bodies up towards a very WEAk not not not powerful lamp
they cry at night while you sleep

dot.. dot... dot

10 posts.. No journal... comparing 1000w HPS to CFLs.. *insert noise of cartoon bomb falling toward ground*

ok. here is the state of my grow:

2 foot high plants. One suspected male (looks like a miniscule ball on a stick) and a female (one confirmed preflower).

4 8-inch plants - no sex.

a 2 inch plant - late bloomer

and finally a 2 month old bud that is starting to veg again with new 3 spear leaf growth that I will top and clone.

Here's the thing. The four foot fluorescents just aren't cutting it now. With the tops touching the bulb the bottom growth is a long way away. Thus stretchiness and sparseness are beginning to prevail.

Additionally, the 2 gallon pots are starting to show signs of wimpnessitude. I'd like to upsize but can't in my current set-up.

But fear not! Drybiedog has a few tricks up his sleeve still! In the other half of my divided grow room is a bloom room rigged up with a balast that supports either a 600 watt HPS or a 600 watt Metal Halide....and I have both bulbs raring to go.

Ahhhh, the rub. The temps right now run perfectly if not a tad high - and that is with my ventilation exhaust running. So what am I to do? I'll tell you. Wait. You see in my parts it gets quite cold in the winter and once the temps outside drop the room will definately cool down since the passive vent sucks in cold winter air. We've been experiencing a bit of an indian summer so it's too warm out to run the 600watter. THings will change this weekend. Here is where I am looking for advice.

I think I'll take clones, maybe 2, from each plant, and then put them under the MH 18/6 in the flowering room. THis serves 3 major purposes. 1. - a wicked light boost to give my ladies some much needed relief from the lightweight fluoros, 2. gives me a week to sort out the temps with the hot light on, and 3, I will now have space in the veg room now to grow the clones.

One more task is at hand. repotting. not sure when to do it. once the flowering plants show their sex 100% I suppose.

So far so good. Not sure about cutting the clones though. I've heard some threads here saying clones from a flowering plant take root much fast (then going immediately 24/7). Also the plants are sparse as is and I feel taking clones will make them look a bit naked. Take them near the bottom of the plant I guess?

Once the clones look like they have rooted and I feel confident that I've figured out the temperature control I will go 12/12. I want to get them going already because I'm worried about the stretching.

The last concern I have is that the room might get too cold with HPS off for 12 hours if there is a cold snap but some concerns you just have to shelve for another day.

Drybie out.


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hey drybie
wow you got alot going on under that flo.
glad to hear about the MH/HSP,you will love it

clones root faster when taken in veg,they should be rooted under flo

if you had to you could finish in those 2 gallon
i use to finish in 4 litres

your plants are looking great, i will have to read more of this to find your nutes and stuff;like i said in my earlier post here i put that seed mix up
would like to see pics of your kids playing under that MH
make sure you keep it well a way to start than lower to no heat on back of hand
Ok here's the deal. My room is venting a smell outside. The diy scrubber I made cuts the airflow about 70%! Plus it doesn't work very well. I thought everything was ok but the plants continue to stink more and more. I need the real deal. Finding good info on rollitup can be a bit overwhelming - lots of conflicting info and searching for relevant threads takes FOREVER). I need help from someone who has some odor control expertise.

1. Are carbon scrubbers the best?

2. I guess I need a super powerful fan to draw the air thorough. At home depot 220 cfm bathroom fans that are quiet cost $250!

3. Should i be trying DIY scrubbers or are factory-made better?

4. I'm only vegging. When I flower I can only assume things are going to get worse.

5. I've read that it is a fire risk if you hook a fan but it can't blow the air through a filter. Something about overheating. Anyone know about this or how I can tell if I'm running a risk.

6. Hardware store suck for getting exhaust fans. Anyone know where else to go? Hydro-shops are expensive. Heating and ducting supply stores?

This is going to cost bucks isn't it.

any help is appreciated, thanks guys.
Ok here's the deal. My room is venting a smell outside. The diy scrubber I made cuts the airflow about 70%! Plus it doesn't work very well. I thought everything was ok but the plants continue to stink more and more. I need the real deal. Finding good info on rollitup can be a bit overwhelming - lots of conflicting info and searching for relevant threads takes FOREVER). I need help from someone who has some odor control expertise.

1. Are carbon scrubbers the best?

2. I guess I need a super powerful fan to draw the air thorough. At home depot 220 cfm bathroom fans that are quiet cost $250!

3. Should i be trying DIY scrubbers or are factory-made better?

4. I'm only vegging. When I flower I can only assume things are going to get worse.

5. I've read that it is a fire risk if you hook a fan but it can't blow the air through a filter. Something about overheating. Anyone know about this or how I can tell if I'm running a risk.

6. Hardware store suck for getting exhaust fans. Anyone know where else to go? Hydro-shops are expensive. Heating and ducting supply stores?

This is going to cost bucks isn't it.

any help is appreciated, thanks guys.
for the size you have i bought a 70 dollar odorsox and a 120 dollar blower rated for 240 cfm,s,at a hydro store it is worth the investment,and the peice of mind.the fans been going 24/7 for a year strait,if you get a cheap noisy fan you may find they dont last,it is worth getting a good blower.some people dont like the odorsox,i liked it,but it depends on your humidity which yours seems right,you can also get the can 33 filter and use it for almost 2 years,you find you get what you pay for,so if your going to do this for awhile get quality,it pays for itself.
thanks trapper.
couple of questions. 1. how big is your intake/outflow (4 inches?)

also, how noisy is your fan? if you don't know the sone rating let me ask you this. Can you hear it running just outside the door to your grow?