My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

All is looking wonderful. 6 females are going to go the distance. For some unknown reason Rudy is far surpassing the others in height making Biggie's name a bit of a misnomer.

I considered topping but now it seems too late since I can spot the bud sites. These aren't apparent in the pics but when you look upon the plants the numerous sites jump right out at you. Can't really seem to get good pics with the HPS. Maybe I'll try my detachable flash instead of the pop-up one of these days.

Clones still looking miserable with their yellow tips and very light green / yellowing shoots. Should be seeing roots any day now. Then maybe they'll take off. Curiously, rudy's clones don't look too bad.


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Holy fuck! Your weed plant is growing MONEY!

What fucking strain is this again?!

Is the 5gal of water for temps or for humidity? How well does it help?
The 5 gallon (18 litre actually) water jug is for ...water. I mix my phdown, bloomA and bloomB and let it sit at grow room temp for a couple days to let the chlorine evaporate. That's the party line anyway - I'm not really sure that there is anything to the whole chlorine thing but everyone seems to do it so i'm falling in line. Can't imagine it makes a huge difference. I'm sure there is a lot to this grow business that is more black art ocult than real science. Some of the elite growers have crazy rituals and details that they ensure are done to perfection. Growing pot, like everything else i do in my life, is very much geared towards a high ratio on the 'energy invested to results obtained' ledger. minimum effort for maximum reward.

btw, without the money shot it's hard to get perspective on the plants. and the answer to your question: it's 5-dolla kush!
haha, i knew the 5 was there for size. I just thought it looked hella funny!

I agree with the 'more black art occult than real science' comment too.

And LOL @ the water jug being for water. I read way too far into it's presence!
Some pics.

Buddy is budding like crazy.
Rudy is growing huge, but vertically, and i'm not sure that's a good thing.
Clones are worrying. Still no roots! WTF?
Kinky's coffin. May he rest in peace in the garbage can by the corner store.


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Some pics.

Buddy is budding like crazy.
Rudy is growing huge, but vertically, and i'm not sure that's a good thing.
Clones are worrying. Still no roots! WTF?
Kinky's coffin. May he rest in peace in the garbage can by the corner store.
hey man, first thing ... where does that garbage end up ?... i hope not picked up by a garbage truck or somethin ..
how old are those clones ? i just had my frist rockwool clone shoot a single root out... its been about 2 weeks
ya, it's a garbage truck that picks up the garbage. it's wrapped in 2 plastic bags and buried under all the other garbage though. plus, it isn't right outside my house. i doubt they'll stake out the bin waiting for a hermie.

today will be the clones 13th day. still nothing. do they look like yours did, more or less, after 2 weeks?

2 weeks....that reminds me. the beer/DIY C02 machine should be ready for drinking tonight! Gotta get a replacement.
I dont see what it matters if the garbage man picks up that trash.. He has much more to do than dig through the trash... and besides, even if he did dig through it, he would then have to OPEN Kinky's coffin... which he would never care to do... and EVEN if he opened it and actually noticed it was a weed plant, who really cares? What's he going to do? Call the FBI and fingerprint the bag, and that would only help if Drybie has his prints on file anyways. So, who cares where the garbage goes... It's not in Drybie's trash.

Some people go a little overboard with their paranoia/secrecy... I guess you should've eaten the plant Drybie.

The plants look great. I hope Rudy doesn't outgrow the living space. You may need some chickenwire too! lol
my plants go right into the wood burning stove, the less evidence there is .. the better
but one those clones ... mine pretty much stayed the same way it looked from when i cut it... maybe those lights are too close? are you keeping them on 24/7 ?
i have a single 23w CFL above 12 clones and it seems like plenty on 18/6
saw your pics weedman. they do look healthy. do you keep the dome on still? I've read that you should have the dome off by the end of week 1. i doubt the lights are too close since they are just 40 watt fluro tubes. maybe its a temps thing. they are 24/7 which i've also read is the way to go. my temp fluctuate around 70-75F. I just can't account for it. some serious yellowing going on.
the dome ... ehh it goes on when its in the way, not making much of a difference for me
room temp is 65-68 humidity is 40-50%.
i've read both.... i had my plants on veg 24/7 switched to 18/6 about a month ago ... noticed no difference, if anything...they are growing faster.
the yellowing ... whats the ph of the water you've been feeding them ?
water is good. I'm using distilled. it's about 6 and i've been using it for my seedlings since day 1. hmmmm. perhaps it's just the kush strain i have?
Plants do like darkness.. they need it in fact...

However, Im not sure that the 24/7 is the problem with yours...
I don't know about the darkness thing. I've heard there is no difference between 24/7 and 18/6 - just the extra $ for electricity. I've also heard people swear by 24/7 for new clones and seedlings who knows?
2 clones rooted today! both had Scarlett as their mom - which is odd since scarlett has always been a bit of a straggler. Go figure.

Also, somehow i missed the bit about scarification in the riu faq about cloning. I wanted to try it so i took another couple clones. This time i slit away at the skin exposing just the "white stuff" for the bottom half inch of the clones. Then i stuck them in water. Now I wait. Super easy. I like this method because supposedly it gives the clones way more surface area to grow new roots so they do so faster. Plus because they are just in water I'll know exactly how long they will take to the day. I did it yesterday and there is no evidence of any wilting 24 hours later. so far so good.

I've replanted in small containers Rudy's two offspring (actually genetic duplicates). This time I'm going to go heavy on the topping and try to engineer a very bushy plant. I'm going to top the tops and then top them again so i get an inverted family tree. Perhaps there is a scrog in my future? The main reason i want to do it is because I think that is the best way to veg under 4ft fluoro tubes. i want my plant to be 3 ft wide x 1 ft. high not 6 inches wide x 2 ft high. The goal is to have an army of female clones to plant outdoors in the spring. I want to give a pound of weed to everyone i know for next thanksgiving.
A couple other healthyish looking clones or ready to root too - i can feel it.

Flowering plants still growing vertically. Rudy in the back is almost at the shelf. check back a couple days for reference.
Well i went to flower on November 21. Kush flowers for 7-9 weeks and i will harvest a third at week 7, a third at week 8 and the rest on week 9. The first harvest will be on January 11th. Then I will dry and cure for a month. So to answer your question - the first smoke will be February 11th 2009 at 7:45pm. next. My plants are still growing a couple inches a day. Anyone know when vertical growing stops, if ever, during flowering?
i didn't know 'stretch' would be such an issue. I now know for next time how to get around it although i won't be implementing any of the strategies this time round. Just a few notes so i remember next time and if any other growers out there are wondering... 1. temps. the bigger the gap between day and night the bigger the inter-nodal distance. why? no idea - but i've read it a couple places. 2. use mh for the first 2 weeks of flower. the absence of full spectrum light makes the plant search for it during this crucial growth phase. 3. top. should have pruned earlier but didn't think it would be a problem. 4. bushmaster, and other growth retardants are available but i'm not dragging my cheap ass back to the hydro shop again. 5. fans. the constant 'wind' encourages stalk robustness over vertical height. this plays itself out in my grow. the plants close to the fan are short and the height problem plants are at the back, furthest from the fan.


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5. fans. the constant 'wind' encourages stalk robustness over vertical height. this plays itself out in my grow. the plants close to the fan are short and the height problem plants are at the back, furthest from the fan.

Excellent observation! Now I know why my plant in the back (furthest from the fan) went to 55" and the others are in the mid 40's. More fans for my second grow, and +rep for you!