my first grow room

hi i've just set up a room, it's my first time and iv,e spent about 2k so far!
i have 2 6" 600m3 fans (inlet extract) with a primeair fan controler (shit)
carbon filter
2 double ended 6" cooltube lights with 600w hps (2400w)
100 ltr water butt with pump and airation
10 11 ltr pots
using coco with clay pebbles and perlite
i got free cuttings from a female salvia dutch passion purple haze ( i think )
i have had the cuttings about 2 weeks and they were in a sorry stste! shit roots very small and weak looking!!
but with some tlc they seem to be doing well?

so please let me know your thoughts



Active Member
VERY NICE!! and in the right place =) good job lol i did the same fucking thing lol in support lol thats funny people do it everyday though

but like i said the grow is deff lookin good keep up the good work!! =)
VERY NICE!! and in the right place =) good job lol i did the same fucking thing lol in support lol thats funny people do it everyday though

but like i said the grow is deff lookin good keep up the good work!! =)

thanks and thanks for the help!:-o
just waiting for the wolves if you know what i mean!:wall: happy growing:weed:


Active Member
if you go to the first post on any thread there should be a button that says thread tools if you click it, it drops down and you can subscribe meaning in your "my rolliup" it will have notifications everytime a new post has been made so you dont loose the thread or have to go looking for it =) hope that helpd a lil!! =)


Well-Known Member
what does i'm subcribed mean seen it a few times
It means he likes it....dude that's a great set up, I looked at your pics first and read your post second, and the whole time I was looking at your pics, I was like, why does these plants look so weak...but clearly they weren't grown in there.

I'd say 2K is about right on track for cost, I don't think you could've done that set up any cheaper, without having to build from scratch, which is a waste of time. You will easily make that money back on your first successful harvest.

I have 1k into my cabinet and I can't grow NEAR the capacity you can.

Two ballasts, incase one fails, also very nice feature you have. I doubt you'll have any heat issues either. Good luck
Well my girls are drinking like there is going to be a water shortage!:-o
and i've just been to look at them and had to feed again ( leaves droop and light dry pots)
and they are all over 15" now so i have put them to a 12/12 light
only thing is i also had some tiny cuttings that were like an inch tall had been in a green house no rooting gel just stuck in soil, they had been like that for about 3 weeks before i got them, and when i re potted they had no roots nothing! so i thought they were gonna die! but 2 weeks later now look:weed:
but i could do with keeping them as mothers but need advise on the needs they will have (temp, RH stuff like that)

so please please help



Active Member
well just an fyi you might want to watch them girls drinkin you dont want them to drown! =( so they may be droopy due to the fact they are being overwatered so just be careful you should let them get pretty dried out before you water not to dry just let the roots look for the water it promotes growth!! =)

as for the ph it should always stay between 6.5 and 7.0 i try to shoot for like 6.8 idk why i just do!! =) lol

temp at night first of all should never drop more then 10 degrees and you want the plants at a good nice room temp like 75-80 but 80 is kinda high side and it can get as low as 65-70 during there night.

another thing i just want to throw out there since you spent alot of money on the setup idk how limited you are but your room would be a great applicant for a co2 tank with lining surrounding plants with a timer occasionally misting them preferably during night cycle, never do any type of misting during light cycle will burn plants unless you plan on wiping all the water off aferwards but that kinda defeats the purpose and your not suppose to touch the leaves that often it slowly kills them cus when you do that it puts up a defense system which slows growth and may kill them if its touched too much, but TLC is deff good for them just be careful lol and another good luck for some luck lol!!
