My first grow!!! Ultra Lemon Haze

Hello all! This is my first grow and, like many others, I'm using Auto Seeds Ultra Lemon Haze. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil and seabird guano pellets for nutes. Of course, I'm on a budget! For lights, I'm using a Sun System 150 watt HPS and 3 shop lights with 6 Phillips Natural Sunshine bulbs. I have 2 sprouted beans in one large square pot. The little ladies are looking good, but I didn't do my homework on this strain. Expecting them to be fully "auto" I planned on a January harvest, but from what I've read, I might be looking at a March harvest instead. The ULH beans are 5 days old from sprouting. Yes, I have a long way to go, I know. Any tips and suggestions would be helpful and appreciated. I also have 1 Blueberry Kush plant that's about 3 weeks old from sprout and its not auto and 4 Afghans that are not "for sure" fems (2 weeks from sprout). All in a 2x2 closet in my hallway. Not worried about smells, just grow times and lighting schedules. I know I need more room and more light wattage. The Afghans are on the way out! The BB is not that much of a concern because it was a gift. I can't post pics from this phone, so I'll post pics when I get a way to do so. Help, please! I want as much info as possible. Thanks!


Active Member
I Am ordering these seeds from ATTITUDE. i cant help you but maybe you can help me with updates i will also be using Fox Farm Soil and General Organic Nutes (26 dollar box of full grow nutes) with a 150watt hps grow light 16000 lumens. I am also ordering Berry Ryder! got some freebies idk about those yet. Thanx in advance


Active Member
Starting my 1st Super Lemon Haze grow also (indoor, soil), any experienced insight with this strain, would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
OP I don't understand what your question was. You seem pretty situated for what your budget will allow, One uncostly suggestion I would make is to change your flo's to 6500k. Maybe look into overdriving your T8. Anything else and we would need a little more clarification on what it is you are asking,if anything. Other than that good luck with the grow:-P