my first grow *under construction*

Ok I was going to suggest you get a small little LED or CFL for the seed-seedling stage, to save a few pennies. At that stage the plants won’t need 2000w of light.
I see you have gone ‘all out’
haha those two lights are for my veg and bloom ... i havent begun planning my seedling/clone area yet for now i have someone i can get some clones from and my brother has a lil set up in his garage with a hodgepodge of random lights thats working really well for his clones and ill be able to get some from him but as soon as i get my veg n bloom rolling ill be starting to plans for mothers n clones
if it was a race my tents won... were here when i got home i see amazon didnt pass along the "please leave on back porch" delivery instructions to usps... Snapchat-724294500.jpg

and roxi's nosey self always wanna kno what something is lol
came out of the kitchen just as amazon was pullin up...


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my rooms filling up... hoping to get my electric run this saturday... then ill get it all out of the boxes and set up :cool:


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havent posted an update in a while... ive been slacking on gettin my electrical done. but as of tonight i have all my new outlets installed (3 240v outlets for lights and 3 dedicated 20 amp outlets for the other equipment) my sub panelis installed and all the wires running into it... tomorrow i plan to finish wiring up the sub panel and breakers. then finally connecting the wire to my main breaker box... plans for the weekend will be to start setting up my tents and lights... should be ready for some plants soon
finally finished up the electrical side.... have my two tents up and lights hung... still a work in progress... its coming along a lil slower then planned but its getting there... 20200503_181556.jpg20200503_181628.jpg20200503_175251.jpg
i have failed at updating this journal like i failed at journals they forced me to write in school lol...

ill catch up the last few weeks now. i had a couple week stall in set up, but things are really beginning to roll now. i ended up changing my mind on materials i wanted to use for my diy ebb n flow system. my new rez and table should be here tomorrow and thursday...

last sunday i picked up a few girls to begin my grow. i was told they are white rhino but i really cant be sure :confused: lol....

this is how the girls looked when i got them. they were various sizes, he said they were clones, but the two smallest ones looked like spouts from seeds. but im not expert yet.

this wasnt the media or pots i want to use for my grow, but since my ebb n flow was stalled, i left them in the pots they were given to me in. i just watered them with rain water over about 5 days. i was also adjusting my grow light in this time to find the height the plants liked.

and this is how they looked on friday (day 5 of having them....20200522_210227.jpg

i had noticed some growth over the 5 days, but it took seeing those pics next to each other to really appreciate how much they had grown...

the one that had been the biggest was lookin like it was cooking up a deficiency. it really started to worry me. i am guessing because it was the biggest one in the smallest pot. the potting mix it was in also looked pretty wet, so i didnt give her water for a couple days. the newer growth looks better.

since my new ebb n flow stuff will still be about a week out from completion, i decided to go ahead and re pot anyway. im gonna hand flood them and pour off the run off for now.

i used coco coir brick that i rehydrated, rinsed, buffered, then added perlite to. after my media was ready, i mixed up a gallon of nute water to give them after repotting. since i wasnt sure exactly what they were growin in, i removed almost all of the media by gently teasing the roots with my fingers, n rinsing the roots. i dunno if that was necessary and prolly was risky, but i wanted a clean slate with what i planned to use goin forward.

my tap water is runnin at ph of 8.5 and tds/ppms of 120ish. 8.5 seems high but google says thats on the high of normal but still normal for municipal drinking water. i was curious and tested the filtered water that i bottle n drink myself... roughly the same ph value... 2 totally different sources. i thought the pen may be off, so i used the liquid test kit( the drops that turn the water different color based on its ph) and the results correlated with the pen. it is what it is i guess...

my nute water i added some micro gro and the tiniest bit of bloom and a lil calmag... ph of 6 and ppms just under 700. after i repotted them i gave them nute water til i got run off then let the rest drain away. my lights are on from 5 am to 11 pm so i repotted them when they would have bout 2 hrs of light time after transplant, and then a good nights rest.

my tent temps are between 75 and 80 when lights on and 65-70 lights off humidity seems to be hovering 45-60 day and night. so far just using lights and a couple fans

heres the pic i took after repot and puttin them to bed... well see how they handled this dramatic day tomorrow...20200523_213836.jpg
everyone is still alive this morning after yesterdays uprooting... they got another drink this am few hrs after lights on prolly give them another drink later today.20200524_083912.jpg
im terrible at journaling lol... lots has happened this month but ill get thru some key points with some pics

my last update was a few days before my trip to fla for a week (first week in june) ... i change my mind last minute on my res and watering system. i ordered a 20 gal trashcan/ingredient bin on a dolly and a rolling "dunnage rack". both were spose to get here with just a couple days to set up before leavin for my trip. the rez/bin/trash can was on my stoop damaged the wednesday before i left. the company "webstaurantstore" was quick with a free replacement (now i have two :))... still wasnt here in time to get set up before leaving tho.


it had to wait til i got back /: ...
my pops was house sitting, dog sitting, pool sitting and plant sitting for me... i got him some nute water ready and explained to him how to check the ph and ppms. also to water til he got run off and prolly needed to atleast twice a day... the first day i was gone he had problems with the ph meter. i found out today it wasnt cuz he hit calibrate. it was cuz the first time he went to use it, he dunked it in the water the wrong end lol... i was already in fla nothin i could do from there. so i told him just give them plain water til i got back and crossed my fingers... he did send some photo updates a couple times they started lookin sorry quick...


dont mind the baby gate it was my in a pinch fix before leaving lol

after getting back from my week away it took me some time to get around to completing my new planned rez and table setup... welp back fired. gravity wasnt on my side. i did create a vacuum that would drain my 20 gal trash can when the pump shut off... no good... back to the original original design and a trip to home depot for a smaller bin that would fit under my new lower stand...


in the mean time i was watering the plants twice a day til run off with flora trio and calmag... ppms between 600-650 and ph at 5.8 to 6. night and day temp and rh staying between 68 and 82 degrees and rh between 40 and 60... the gurls started coming back to life after a week or so.


the two in front were the smallest of the 4 i was given. one i had even had propped up with a twist tie. and gave it a breeze to stand her back up nice and strong, cuz she was growin sideways. worked like a charm. they have stayed the strongest with all the ups and downs those will prolly be the ones i take clippings from. the taller skinner sickest lookin one i wasnt even sure was gonna be alive when i got home... all gurls are bouncing back now


this was just monday they seemed to be enjoying the new watering cycle. (twice a day 440am runs 15 mins shuts off and drains 5 mins before lights on at 5am. comes on again at 6pm for 15 mins).
at this point i felt they were ready to start some training. i planned to earlier but they needed time to get healthy. so monday night bout 2 hrs before lights out at 11 i did some low stress and weight training on them.


boy does this pic make them look stressed af...
i intentionally planned training for after the second water and lil before lights out so they wouldnt have to adjust to being tied and weighted while tryin to photosynthesize.... i also gave them another quick drink after tying and weighting branches (bent paper clips with a couple nuts on them for weights)

here they are when i checked them this morning at around 8 am (3 hrs after lights on)


wow i was shocked!!! they seemed to have loved the training. it opened them up. and they really perked back up with some xtra vigor... think ive been making good choices for them now that im back... for my first grow and the rocky start they are looking looovely! i mean if i say so myself lol...

welp for another week or so ill keep them were they are with the water cycle and nute level... going to slowly increase the nutes and see how they do and go from there (also will be reworkin my plan for the ebb n flow) the plan is to have the rez outside the tent and mobile so i can roll it to my kitchen for filling. but will need to be a two pump/sump pump type set up... flood table up top catch basin underneath with a pump on a float switch to pump the water back into the rez thatll be outside the tents...anyone thoughts on that or somethin else?
just some pics from the last 6-8 weeks bout 3 weeks into flower now...20200804_212228.jpg20200810_225922.jpg20200810_225935.jpg


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