My first grow/very slow growth/Strain: Colombian Gold


New Member
Hi guys, this is my first grow. I'm growing 2 plants (1 White Widow and 1 Colombian Gold) in a small indoor grow tent with good lighting and ventilation. The White Widow is looking healthy and is growing fast but I can't say the same for the Colombian Gold. At first I underwatered it and thought that was the problem but that was already almost a week ago. The seedlings leaves aren't looking healthy and bend in an unnatural way. I've looked into some things that could cause the problem and google came up with: Over-/underwatering, nitrogen toxicity, not enough/too much light, and Broad mites.
I'd appreciate any help, Thank you!
Keep going, don’t over water them, don’t feed them anything for at least another week. They are fine for now, just getting started. Sometimes they look a little twisted or mutated like that at first, it’s normal.