My first grow was going really good until...........


Active Member
....... my fiancee said, "If you don't get rid of them, I'm leaving!" So I spent two hours that night cutting and killing five of the most beautiful plants I have ever grown. :cry:
Keep in mind two things. First, I live in Indiana so everything about marijuana is illegal to the extreme. And second, if I had chosen the plants over her and asked her to leave, I would have still cut and killed them. :cry: never trust a lover scorned....

I will post pictures of the fatal night very soon. I was 4-5 weeks into flowering, they were beautiful. I had also built a ScrOG grow box that I am pretty proud of, so I'll post pics of that too, but be patient. This has turned into a very introspective experience. So smoke a bowl, and feel free to post along the way. This could take a few days. :peace:

Be safe, and god bless MJ!


Active Member
Pics soon I promise.


Here are a few pictures I took the night I killed them all. I'll post some closeups of my first attempt at LST and supercroping later.
Remember, this is was my first grow. I tried to learn as much as I could along the way so these plants really took some abuse.


Active Member
I just said a prayer for your plants, may the rest in peace and give you a buzz.

Good luck with the woman...

Women, can't live with them...can't live with them.


Active Member
Thanks KB. I was able to save a handful of immature buds but I don't think anybody will be getting a buzz from them.

More pics soon. I need to show off my grow box some more. And if you notice two of my plants were DWC in small coffee cans.
Oh man, i feel for you i really do. I'm also 4 weeks into the flowering stage on my first ever grow and i can't imagine the pain you must have felt but i suppose there was not a lot you could do. After the amount of money and man hours put in i bet you cried for days, i know i would. Get another grow going and don't tell the miss!!


Active Member
Thanks Ghost. It was pretty horrible. The next day, I felt like I had chopped up a dead body.


Active Member
lol that sucks soooo bad!
im happy my current gf really enjoys MJ i toke with her everyday. She even wanted me to get her some edibles the last time i went to the dispensary >_<
prayer goes out to the plants!
theres always convincing her and doing another grow in the future right?


Active Member
I learned to much from this site not to grow again, (I mean, I grew dro in a coffee can haha), but it was the right thing to do. R.I.P.

Be safe all, and thanks for posting.


Well-Known Member
man. I am sorry for your loss & feel your pain. I am however, very glad I found your thread. Your coffee can grow has given me some serious inspiration! I buy my coffee in the big plastic cans. A little tape, a little cut, etc. Not sure if it would hold the root mass through a full grow, from the pics I've seen they get really huge.


Well-Known Member
Thats absolutely devastating. Break all ties with the girl. Move house, and start again. Women come and go but your plants will be with you always! I dont know if I could have done it. But you're right. Not worth the risk. Women can do some really malicious and devious shit. I hope you can grow again soon. They looked awesome.


Active Member
I love her so I did the right thing. I've been married before so I kinda need to do this one right.

@WWShadow- You can go right from those, coffee cans I use, to a bigger rez. I used a 4" greenhouse pot I got with some flowers I bought and just drilled holes in it. I have the perfect container for a bigger rez too. I've read 2-4 gallon rez for a good sized DWC. Water Island sells a 3 gal. jug that those 4" pots fit right into. It even has a spigot. I'll take a pic. of mine soon. I got it from the reverse osmosis machine at my local grocery store.

+rep. Show some love.
Be safe \m/


Active Member
my dad taught me something that has stuck with me for many years and helped me through many difficult situations. he said... "All womean are bitches.....except for your mom and your sister.....but your mom is a bitch.....and you dont have a sister!