My first grow - will probably need help!


Hi guys,

Doing my first ever personal grow, my setup is:

This 105W (525W equivalent) Blue CFL:
Using my wardrobe with a sliding door, it had white walls but I lined it with reflective foil anyway.
Its about 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep.

I have 5 top skunk 44 seeds, all popped the seed fine, planted them in paper cups with decent compost from my garden centre. 4 seem to be doing ok, one appears to have stopped. Not sure why?? It still looks like just the main root, no leaves or above surface action.

Anyway, im about 5 days in now and just wanted to start this thread so I had a place to ask questions as and when they pop up, hopefully somebody will take pity on me and help me out :-)

First question, does that light sound suffice for 4 seedlings? (I will probably add a second light when I re-pot these in larger pots)

Heres a pic of them now:

And here's my setup:

I have noticed some minor browning and curling on the first leaves that formed out of the seed, is this normal? I don't think it's too hot, I'm maybe over/under watering them?

Ive only watered them twice so far.



Well-Known Member
they look ok for now. i think the light is enough. better farther away than to close when they are young. they will burn and dry up real quick. you want the humidity real high. like above 90% for this stage. cut the bottom off of a couple clear 2 liter bottles and put one over each cup. you can control the humidity with the bottle cap.


Thanks or the tip, I worry about stretching though, you can see one seedling has already grown taller than the other to get closer to the light. If I move it away and then cover them with a bottle top too, will they get enough light?

Here's them today (which I think is about day 6 since they popped the seed.)

You can clearly see the browning in the left seedling now, but it's only on those tiny little flat leaves that first appear after the root. The main leaves look fine don't they?


Well-Known Member
well, i hope you bring some diligent research to the table........................that's who i like helping:)


Absolutely! I've even reading non stop :-) The problem is, as always with the internet, there's a lot of conflicting information out there!

I posted this earlier but looks like it didn't work so apologies if this repeats.
Here's some pictures of today, I think this is day 6 since they popped the seeds.

You can see quite clearly the little flat leaf on the left seedling is quite brown an curled. But the main leaves look healthy. Has anybody seen that before? Any ideas what it may be?
I've just taken te above advice and covered 2 plants with clear plastic cups to keep the humidity up, and raised the light to about 10 cm. (I only did it with 2 as I like to spread my bets!)