My first grow with cfls. any help?


Active Member
This is my first grow and i think it's going well for what i am growing (bag seeds) But I would like the opinion of some experienced growers on my plant development. I have 3 plants in week 2 and one of them is growing allot faster than the other 2 (plant c). It actually skipped the 3 node leaf set and went straight from 1 to 5. I posted pics of week one and week two. Also they are pretty stubby (i guess because of how close the lights are) will this effect them negatively at all? My light setup is made up of 4 cfls equaling 8600 Lumens. Will this be enough for the coming weeks? Any advice is appreciated! :blsmoke:

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
Your height issue is due to how close the lights are. You should have enough light for the coming weeks, but you will want to either add more in a couple of weeks or so, or add a 48" tube set if you can. If you can only use CFL's, then I would add at least 2 more in the next 2 weeks if you can. Other than that, they're looking great. Best of luck, if I can help any more, please ask...I am very experienced in growing by CFL.....your success is more based on light color wavelength, than lumens.

Peace, Love and Tie Dye,

Mr. Bigglesworth


Well-Known Member
Did you read the GrowFAQ? It would answer these questions.

Short bushy plants arn't bad, it is what you want...

You can keep the flouros within 3 inches..

You will need more lights... Alot more...

Your lights in the pic look yellow, make sure they are 6500k (daylight) and not soft white/ warm white = 2700k.

Upgrade... Go to Home Depot, buy two of their $9 bathroom light fixture that holds three bulbs, and install 2 6500k and one 2700k. This is simply enough to get you started. You WILL need to upgrade as they get bigger. Right now I have cfls hanging off the sides to give the under story some light.

Good Luck, read the GrowFAQ, take pics every so often to mark your progress, and keep us updated.:peace:


Active Member
Well I know I have some issues at this point but it looks like week three is ushering in veg. growth. Plant C is obviously having a browning problem but it's only on two or three leaves. Any ideas? I have also upped my lighting, (added 2 5200k floros) and my air flow, (medium size box fan). Plant b is doing well from what I can see. Plant A is not so good, its leaves are not spreading like the other two and they are curling outward. It looks like overwatering but i don't give it any more than the other 2. Whats wrong with my poor plant?



Well-Known Member
Those babies need bigger pots and more soil ASAP.
Don't water the leaves, i noticed wet seedlings in your first post... bad news.


Active Member
I forgot to mention i am only growing these as mothers. I will take cuttings for a hydro setup. I don't know if that has anything to do with what size pots I use. Any other help would be much appreciated! Thanks


Active Member
either way you will need bigger pots if you want to continue growth. i would be very surprised if plant a lived much longerr, she aint lookin healthy.. good luck anyways:joint:


Active Member
Sorry it's been a while. Well they have just been through a little over a week of flowering, I changed lighting from 18/6 to 12/12 about 2 weeks into veg. (They were about 8" tall). It looks like they are in early stages of pre flower.



Active Member
bad news bro looks like it's growing balls,look for a little white hairs.If it grows more round looking groth it is a boy.



Active Member
Well it's been about a month from the first post and my babies are doing so-so. Plant A seems to be coming along nicely (i don't think there are any signs of sex yet), but Plant B is drooping quite a bit. The only thing i can think of that can be causing it is pot size, but Plant A is in the same size pot, is bigger, and seems to be doing better. Any thoughts?:mrgreen: P.S. I know about the leaf tip curling that happened about a week ago when the temp in my box got way to high. I have fixed that.



Well-Known Member
Lol that plant is fucked you might as well start agen ..
maybe the lights way too close and how much water you use and how often .
you might wanna think about getting about 300watts of cfls.
what nutes you useing and have you got a fan .