My First Grow with CFL's (White Widow)


Update time.

Madison is growing bigger and more beautiful by the second. Her stem is getting nice and thick. Taylor is not doin so hot. As youll see in the pics, all her leaves are pointing towards sky, and two of her leaves are turning yellow and brown at the tips. I really hope she gets better soon. Please give me any input you can guys...thanks!

Madison9-1-10.jpgMadison9-1-10(2).jpgMadison9-1-10(3).jpgTaylor09-01-10.jpgtaylor09-01-10(2).jpgtaylor09-01-10(3)yellow leaves.jpg

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hey man. How is it going your plants seem to be doing pretty good the browning on those leaves is not to much to worry about. All of the plants I have going right now did the same thing pretty early on but does not seem to have hurt them the slightest bit. your plant should be looking up at your light all looks OK from what I can tell.


Hey Guys. Heres a quick update for anyone whos watching.

Madison is freakin blowin up. Everyday there is new growth. However when i checked on her today,i noticed that some of the stems have some purple streaks. Im aware that this can be genetic or caused by colder temps or a deficiency. Both Plants are showing the same purple streaking, so i think it might be genetic.

Taylor still looks the same pretty much. she seems like shes stunted. She really hasn't grown all that much for the last 4 days, however there are some signs that shes on the mend. She stopped pointing up towards the sky, and new tiny leaves are starting to form.

Its been one week since the transplant, and the soil is still pretty wet at the bottom of the pot, but pretty dry at the top. Should i water them tonight, or wait another day or two?

You can see the size difference is pretty substantial between the two girls

Madison 9-3-10.jpgMadison 9-3-10(2).jpgMadison Purple Stem.jpgTaylor 9-3-10.jpgTaylor new leaves.jpgTaylor 9-3-10(2).jpgSide By Side.jpg


nope...exactly the same conditions. Same amount of water, same soil, and same amount of light. I think im gonna move away from MG in the future, only because you dont know exactly whats in the soil. Its way too hard for me, especially since its my first grow, to diagnose nute problems when i have no idea whats in there to begin with.


Taylor was just a hair slower than madison, but when i checked on them today, it seems like shes gettin out of her funk. Ill post pics tomorrow, but i hope she can maybe catch up to madison so i can switch to flower in 2 weeks


OK... Once you get the hang of transplanting stress is no longer an issue. You really can transplant numerous times if needed to accomodate growth depending on how big you want your ladies to get. General rule is 1 gallon per foot of growth. so in 3 gallon pots you can potentially have a 3ft tall plant. As for the stunting for the one there must be some sort of nurient inbalance going on. Either because you aren't switching between straight water one day then nutrient solution the next feeding or you are over-feeding and just one of your plants is showing signs of it so far. Because they aren't clones they will not respond in the same manner always. If anything I would suggest diluting your nutrient mix for the next week or two and seeing if the yellowing disappears and the plant begins to grow at a steady rate like the other one. Just some helpful tips. Peace and good luck with your grow.


FYI I am new to the site so not a lot of posts but I have succesfully grown over 10 different yields so do have a decent amount of experience and I am sure that any other experienced grower will agree with my comments. Peace and good luck again! :-)


OK... Once you get the hang of transplanting stress is no longer an issue. You really can transplant numerous times if needed to accomodate growth depending on how big you want your ladies to get. General rule is 1 gallon per foot of growth. so in 3 gallon pots you can potentially have a 3ft tall plant. As for the stunting for the one there must be some sort of nurient inbalance going on. Either because you aren't switching between straight water one day then nutrient solution the next feeding or you are over-feeding and just one of your plants is showing signs of it so far. Because they aren't clones they will not respond in the same manner always. If anything I would suggest diluting your nutrient mix for the next week or two and seeing if the yellowing disappears and the plant begins to grow at a steady rate like the other one. Just some helpful tips. Peace and good luck with your grow.
Thanks for your advise! I havent used any nutes yet because i chose MG as my medium. I figured she was stunted because of a nutrient issue, but since I have no idea what nutes are in the soil, it was too hard to diagnose. Also, I had read a ton of threads about using nutes too early while using MG, so i figured i would wait until the 2nd week of flowering to give them a little food.

My other question is, how old do the plants need to be before I should flush them to get rid of excess salt/nutes?


FYI I am new to the site so not a lot of posts but I have succesfully grown over 10 different yields so do have a decent amount of experience and I am sure that any other experienced grower will agree with my comments. Peace and good luck again! :-)
Thats awesome....I totally welcome and advise and/or criticism. Please feel free to post pics or share you knowledge my friend :)


Ehh, screw it....Ill post the update now :)

Veg Day 19

Temp in the box was a steady 75 today.
Soil is still pretty moist at the bottom, so i will wait another day before watering again.
Madison is a joy to watch, because she has new growth every time i take a peak
Taylor is starting to look way better, and i have HIGH hopes for her now.

Madison 9-5.jpgMadison 9-5(3).jpgmadison 9-5(2).jpgTaylor 9-5.jpgTaylor 9-5(2).jpgTaylor 9-5(3).jpg