My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome doc, the rubbermaid is a cool idea for clipping on the lights.. only work till a certain height but then like u said the closet bar is a good place.. and I"m sure your handy enough to build a shelf if need be and use the edge of the shelf to hand them off?? lol, thinking out loud for ya !!

Good Luck,
Here's what im gunna do when they get too big for the rubbermaid.

I mite get the new rubbermaid setup done tomorow, depends on if i can get the reflectors needed for the lights since i only have 2 and i have 5 lights. Well see though.


Well-Known Member
Notice the cable ties for cord control. I guess you could use ties out of a box of trash can bag's if you couldnt get those ties, but they sell them at wal-mart and alot of craft stores.


Well-Known Member
Well guy's my babies are 22 days old today. I think their getting taller but i don't think by much. Im gunna go take pic's in a few and you guys tell me if you think they did.


Well-Known Member
So the plant's are doing good still, iv been nursing them back up from a little nute burn. Nothing bad still all green.

Here is a Pic of Plant 1 Canopy, Things are growing nicely.

Here is a Pic of Plant 1 under the canopy, TONS of new growth it liks a jungle.

Here is a Pic of Both Plant 1 and Plant 2, i think their getting taller.

Here is another Pic of Plant 1 canopy.

As you can see there's going to be alot of leaves on this bitch.

So what do you think guys?


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way she is 22 days old. Im going to switch to 12/12 probably around sunday. Next tuesday at the latest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it seems each day goes by slower and slower... I feel like a kid again counting down the days till christmas.

mr thc

Well-Known Member
Cool grow man....pity cfls+soil= ultra slow growing...but soil is where it started, and it certainly is cheap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it probably doesn't help that i started out with just 2 lights. Im going to do things alot different next time. Thanks for stopping by Mr T hehe.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
plants are looking nice and bushy. our plants are about the sane age and your gonna get to flower before me. dang it,lol. i just had a week 1/2 set back cause of crap but back on top of things now.fingers crossed for ladies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im gunna raise the lights again tomorow, that should give me the vertical growth iv been looking for. Also im gunna feed straight H20 for the next few days because the leaves are really dark green which means its got plenty of nutes...


Well-Known Member
Everything's looking excellent Dr.

Can't wait to see them take off in Flowering !! And I'm glad we're still relatively on pace together here. Our plants will end up depending on flowering time my guess we harvest within 2 weeks of each other :D

Keep up the awesome work man,


Well-Known Member
Thanks toronto, i doubt im going to have anything to harvest but well see. I better not jinx myself. I bought a digital timer and another reflector today, so im gunna mess around with things for a while.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you'll get a harvest man... The way I'm looking at it for my plants and well most likely yours as they're rather similar is that because they stayed so short in flowering they'll end up with one fat main cola and that's pretty much it. So if we continue to put "love and care" into the plants I figure I/we can push the plant to produce as much as possible given the circumstances and "tools" at hand. In the end really, I hope for at least one female and then some bud my friend is better than no bud. Not to mention you can't tell me you haven't learnt a crap load from this first attempt growing that can only help improve and increase your yields forever to come !

Think positive, as a month ago you had no plant what so ever and in no time you'll have your own 1st batch of "Home Grown"

Honestly man Keep up the Great Work !!