my first grow xD


Medicinal user from ontario after 5 years of smoking i say its about time.

Hers my death box. Anything i have ever put in here has died.
First run i had underwatered.I did not have fans untill now.
I am using somewhat organic potting and germinating soil with 20-20-20 fertilizer( only if anything sprouts)
1-42watt soft white cfl (2500 lumens)
1-18watt soft white cfs
i made a bubbleponic system but i do not know what media to use so i will use it to hold my cups for now

i killed seeds by having them in a sealed ziploc bag over my cable box, i am just waiting for a 1/4inch taproot. bag is now unsealed with new seed.

heres some pics
feel free to reply



Active Member
so are you going with a DWC system or soil?
the 20-20-20 is to strong for seedlings, cut that down to about a 5-5-5 or less before you use it and i'd wait till they are on they're 3rd 4th node before feeding anything.
your lights will work for now but keep them as close as you can with out letting them touch the plant. CFL's can get very close without burning them. however your gonna need alot more lights as the plants get bigger. i ran cfl's for a long time and had like 12 of them in a 2x2x4 area WxDxH. all 42watt. they worked great but as im sure you've read or been told an HPS light is worth the money you spend and be found pretty cheap. i'll check a link i have to see if they still have them cheap then i'll post the link. good luck


Well-Known Member
You need more light or you will be upset. Just old school long tube florescent setup would be better than what you have. For a first timer I would go with a soil setup unless you are into a lot of maintenance.


If your going to do a dwc you should invest in getting some net pots. i think they would work better...... as well as some hydrotons,,, :)

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