My first grow!

ah i see. i just set it up exactly as a youtube video i saw lol, makes sense. will that lower the temp even more than it is now? I am exhausted, i am good to change it in the morning right? nothing will happen to my plants
ah i see. i just set it up exactly as a youtube video i saw lol, makes sense. will that lower the temp even more than it is now? I am exhausted, i am good to change it in the morning right? nothing will happen to my plants
Should be ok with the flaps open for exhaust. If it's on a dark cycle try to keep it dark.
Should be ok with the flaps open for exhaust. If it's on a dark cycle try to keep it dark.

the light cycle just started 30 minutes ago. so itll be going until tomorrow at 1230. i will change it in the morning when i wake up. thanks for the help. by changing it that should lower the temps a little more depending on the level i put the fan right?
@dmatt0927 did you get it swapped around? How'd you make out?

So i had a busy day but I was just able to fix it now. It is no longer ballooning so that is good. Only issue i might find is that unfortunately i dont have a place to send this hot air other than into my room that my house may become incredibly hot lol and run my AC bill as my AC already isnt very strong/good, so I have to think of an option to send this hot air into

I will give some info on the temp levels once the light has been running for a little while. Im having a humidity issue it seems as it wants to stay around 35% only. Im running one bag of exhale right now and have a second so i might hang them both in there together. I had to put the bucket and towel in the tent last night to raise it to around 50%. Im just running out of room in my tent cause unfortunately since it took 3 weeks to get this fan, they have vegged to the point the plants are knocking into eachother and touching the outside of the tent slightly.
so throughout the night the tent stayed at around 79 degrees with the fan turned on 8/10 and at 35% humidity without the water bucket and towel. the lights are off now and the temp is 77
So last night before i went to bed really late I checked the temp and it was all the way up to 84 degrees. the fan was already 9/10. humidity was 34%. Does anyone have any recommendation on how to lower the temp even more? is the bucket/water increasing the temp? when the lights are off it seems to easily get down to 77-79 degrees. but with the light its constantly 81-84
There’s nothing wrong with those temperatures, and many LED growers prefer the tent to be in the low to mid 80s. I prefer my humidity to be higher than that when my temps are in the 80s though.

you’re going to get a small increase in heat when the lights are on unless you have an air conditioned growing area.
So i am using a CMH light set up, but awesome thank you for the replies i do appreciate it. i was just worried i was going to overheat my tent and burn the plants. I do have an extra bag of exhale i was gonna use later since the one i have isnt completely white. do you suggest i put it in there and run them both?
So i am using a CMH light set up, but awesome thank you for the replies i do appreciate it. i was just worried i was going to overheat my tent and burn the plants. I do have an extra bag of exhale i was gonna use later since the one i have isnt completely white. do you suggest i put it in there and run them both?
Those bags are useless when you are exhausting air from the tent. Cannabis is naturally from hot environments so it can handle heat fine as long as you have good airflow in the tent. My tent has hit the mid 90s before without causing any noticeable issues.
So i currently am using an AC infinity cloudline t6 to exhaust the air out of the tent. i just dont have a way currently to exhaust it outside of my home so its just circulating out of the tent back into my room

heres a pic. Since this photo ive switched the fan and its exhausting the air out of the tent rather than into it.


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So yesterday for the first time my plant was looking unhealthy. I believed it was due to being thirsty, I am watering every 3rd day, but didnt take in to account i probably need to water more since my tent is alot hotter than it was with my weak light. So i watered them with about 3/4 of a gallon of water. they were still quite droopy for a few hours so i thought i may have overwatered them, but then they did pick back up but now it seems as though the leaves may be curling up a little bit. Could the plant be taking heat damage? as of friday i have been taking 1 hour off the light cycle everyday to slowly ease into 12/12. My temps are 83/84 degrees with lights on with 40-50~ humidity now that i added that extra bad of exhale. and about 77 degrees with lights off and around 40-45% humidity. i have the light about 30inches about the plants


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So after doing some research its not necessarily heat dmg but i think they are curling cause the humidity is way too low for it being so hot in there. im having trouble bringing it up over 37% in there with it being 82 degrees. even with the two bags of exhale its still hovering around 37-39. So it looks like i need to just buy a humidifier. any suggestions?
So it looks like i need to just buy a humidifier. any suggestions?

This is the second humidifier I bought: Homech 6L Cool Mist Humidifiers Quiet Ultrasonic Humidifier. It's leaps and bounds better than the first one I picked up. Large 6L water tank, pretty slim design for the size, and way easier to clean than the first.

My basement grow area where I have the tent is extremely dry in the winter season here. I had the second smaller humidifier outside my tent just for the extra moisture into the area that would be pulled into the tent.
so i moved them to 12/12 starting monday night into tuesday. they are starting to take off. i know people on this forum are split about defoliating. should i just let them go? or try to trim them down.

ive been watering with 2g of megacrop in half gallon of water every other day and it seems to be taking it well. temps about 80-82 with light on and around 45% humidity and then 40-50 humidity and 75-77 temp with lights off


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So since ive switched to flower ive seen an issue with some of the leaves, only on one of my plants though. two of them are White widow and the other is just a random seed i found. so im not sure why its happening to one of my plants and not the other white widow. I feed them both the same amount of water and nutes. Ive been doing half a gallon of water with 2g of megacrop since i switched it to flower on monday night. any info on what it might be? calcium deficiency? im gonna up the dosage tonight of nutes when i feed and see if that helps. the leaves seem to be turning like that only after the sleep cycle.


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anyone have any suggestions? there were alot more today. I did 2.5g of megacrop yesterday night. still none at all on my other white widow plant. alot of them fall off to the touch.
i just set it up exactly as a youtube video i saw

You've experienced the wonder of Youtube cannabis growers, where the videos literally have you doing things in ways that are exact opposite of how they should be done.

In your case, it sounds like the "master grower" of the day had you install your exhaust fan backwards, sending in dirty air from outside of your tent through the filter backwards, filling the tent with air instead of removing it.

That's a new one, but it doesn't surprise me in the least.