My First Grow


Active Member
this is my first grow going to post some pics tomorrow when i find out how to post them lol

just want to know you think they are looking ok and any tips on making them any bigger

they are 18 days into flowering


Well-Known Member
Looking good what strain you got?

What lights have you used?

also check my thread im about 15 days ahead of you.


Active Member
i got 2 400 watts sodium light i think lol do not know what plants they are as i got given the seeds from a friend

do you think they are looking good i posted some more pictures today


Well-Known Member
yeah they will boom any day take Ray's advice..i'm having to stick mine the last few days as they are falling over.


Active Member
Looking good! They still have a long way to grow. 25% of the bud size comes in that last 3 weeks. I don't see any dark hairs here so you've probably got another 25-35 days to go.


Active Member
ok thanks you very many i got some bamboo sticks i used them for when they was babys but did not think i needed them

i thought i have got 7 weeks to go

i be keep posting pics so please keep checking them out

many thanks

tihs is my first time and i am learning all the time think my next grow going to be mega lol cannot wait to smoke some

whats the best way to flush and dry them do you think


Active Member
got some new pictures hope you have time to them out

this is the link

i got 2 x 400 watt sodiums lights is this too much got told you can never have too much light the leafs are not burning or going dry

i spray my plants every day with water is this good or bad

please keep posting your replys

thanks for checking my post out going to put them bamboo sticks put tomorrow i post pics to see if i have done it right


Well-Known Member
whats the best way to flush and dry them do you think
Once they have 25% (strain dependent) brown hairs i've read give them one good last feed then flush for the last 2 weeks just watering with bottled water or rain water or if u must treated tap water)

Your lights are fine (wish i had 2 x 400hps) just don't burn.. as you say.

I think spraying should stop now as the buds are quite formed, its your choice but you risk getting mold issues if you carry on.

People say be careful of the roots when staking them - how you be careful i don't know? :roll:


Active Member
ok thanks you plase keep watching this space a will stop spraying them do not want any mold lol

i put them sticks up tomorrow and post some pictures i think they are getting bigger every day but this might be in my head lol

i got some booster and some flowering feed coming tomorrow going to give it to them slowly

i flushing them with fizzy water any good is tap water bad for them because thats all i have been using

hope these feeds make a diffenences costed my £30 lol


Active Member
do i flush every other day with twice the amount of water as the pot size thats what to got told i am going to grow them to about 14th of november so i start at the end of october whats the best way to dry the buds

keep in touch my new friends lol


Well-Known Member
i flushing them with fizzy water any good is tap water bad for them because thats all i have been using

hope these feeds make a diffenences costed my £30 lol
I've not read about carbonated water for flushing yet but im still reading myself, tap water has chemicals in it ..chlorine and shit... i think.. so either use bottled spring water (or maybe rain water).. or you can use tap water and let it stand for a few days to let the chems evaporate alternativley add tap safe liquid (from the pet/aquatic shop)

Nutes will make a diffrence mate. keep it up:bigjoint:


Active Member
just off the commuity service lol got 188 hours of unpaid work left going to put sticks up later and hope my new feed and booster comes today


Active Member
just got some feed today for my tomato plants they are looking good lol just riped a little tomoate off and dried it wow fuck me that tatse good


Well-Known Member
just got some feed today for my tomato plants they are looking good lol just riped a little tomoate off and dried it wow fuck me that tatse good
hahaha i did the same thing earlier but fuct it up ..still it got me high...Its a slippery slope more buds off your plant for at least a week !!! :mrgreen: