My First Grow!!


Well-Known Member
These are my babies i started recently, in the pics i think they are exactly a week old from sprouting. Do they look good or bad? Any advice? <br>


Well-Known Member
ok good, lol, i tried a few last year but i got them 2 about 3 days after sprouting and all 8 of 'em died and i had no idea y, but then i found out the light i was using was too hot so i went and bought one of them Grow-Lux flourescent bulbs and it seems to be doin fine, i have it running round the clock of course . I have some more pics i jus recently took, not even 20 mins ago so have a look at them now, personally i think they're jammin' but u tell me :joint:



Well-Known Member
I'd transplant them into separate pots immediately, the roots are going to get tangled very quickly, bury them with 1" between the leaves and the soil to stop the stretching, and put the fluoro 1" from the tops of the plants.. How many watts is the fluorescent? You're going to need to get some more lights most likely. They do look healthy.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Well all i have to start them with is an 18 in. 15 watt grow-lux flouro, and i plan on getting 2 more of them along with a 15 watt regular cool white flouro bulb and run them all at the same time. i transplanted them, except for the 2 smallest ones without leaves ont them, i moved them to 2 seperate jiffy 7 pellets, they had hardly any roots. The other 2 had nice root balls and they were hardly tangeled, the larger of the 2 i put in the same pot but burried it from one inch away from the leaves, and the other one i put in the same size pot and did the same thing with it. Pics of them attached.



Well-Known Member
Yeh, Kodak CX6330___3.1. Mega-Pixels. You use that close-up option and u can rlly zoom rite in on stuff =]


Well-Known Member
Thought that you were a man of the grizzly and thought that pretty cool ... then I scroll down and see Skoal ... now I'm thinking otherwise.

Just kidding :) GL on your plants.


Well-Known Member
well i found the skoal can on one of my stands next to my couch, (one of my friends) but the Grizz Wintergreen is deff. mine lol that stuff deff. tears ur lip up but once u git used 2 it, its the only way 2 go!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not home rite now, at a friends, but 2morrow about noon (EST) i'll be at my house and will be posting a few more pics, i can't wait to see them, i've been gone since about 2 this afternoon and they been growing like crazy, hopefully they've grown , or even started growing the 2nd pair of leaves.

I have one ? on pruning tho, i want my plants to be VERY short and VERY bushy, and a few of my buddies advised me to pinch the top when it starts to come up between the first set of real leaves? i haven't done that bcuz i figured i would ask the ppl who actually grow =]

Good idea to do so or bad?


Well-Known Member
1 more ? lol woulda 6-10-10 plant food work for a fert? I also have some Miracle-Gro 15-30-15 concentrate layin' around, would that work? Figured i'd ask b-4 i started experimenting lol you know how that goes


Well-Known Member
Its that wintergreen flavoring. something about it really tears lips apart.

During your veg stage, you want something high in N and during flowering, something high in P. be careful when you add your nutes. Don't over do it and not too soon from start.

As far as keeping em short, there are a number of ways. You could top em, pinch em, LST em, etc. I topped my ladies and they're pretty short (~2') still and they're in wk 4 of flower. Look over the GrowFaq here, its very helpful. I'm a noob grower and that faq has helped me loads.


Well-Known Member
Ok, will do, and will try 2 post some pics 2day after i go to the store cuz my batteries in my camera are dead =[ but my plants are doing fairly well, but i think they're growing a little slow.


Well-Known Member
Ok!!! Pics finally :mrgreen: Now i got yet another question....After that new growth you can see in the pics has one more come up thru in between them, can i pinch it off and will it make it bush out? cuz i wanna make 'em REALLY short, and all i'm workin on is tryna keep it short, idc how much bud imma git off it, cuz i can go git bud from n-e of my friends 4 free, but i wanna try 2 make the plants as SHORT as they can ever be, and imma keep tryin this till i git it perfect. SO, the ? is duz n-e-1 kno the best technique for keepin your plants short as hell? BTW my plants are almost 2 their 2nd week, and i think they're growin' kinda slow, wut do you guys think?



Active Member
Check out mine. They were going slow then all the sudden bushed up like crazy. Yours will be good.