my first grow :(


Active Member
Very over watered. The way those are planted they will choke each other and most will prob die.
They are all really small to successfully transplant but I've done it so it's possible.
I would get a few plastic cups and go to it.
Also what soil are you using. If it's miracle grow buy some scotts or something else.


Active Member
looks like they need more light than they've been getting, and you need to transplant before those roots try to take over that soil. Also as mentioned above too much water.. wait until it is dry to water again, don't keep the soil soaked you aren't doing them any favors. :leaf:


im using cfl for lightining. 2 x 20 watt ( 1450 lumen ) 2900 lumen total.

12 hour light 12 hour darkness

its 11. day when seeds cracked.

i give 2 lt water.
there is hole under the pot.
soil always wet.
im using basic soil for plants.
no fertelizers.
no perlite.

problems :
thin stems.
brown leaves.

my shopping list for this week.

- soil with fertilizers
- perlite
- cfl bulbs
- powder fertilizer ( NPK )
- pots.

here is the last photo

i cutted brown leaves :-?


1 x 20 watt ( 1450 lumen ) day light
1 x 23 watt ( 1550 lumen ) daylight
1 x 23 watt ( 1550 lumen )

i changed the soil.

cocopeat + perlite
