My first grow


Well-Known Member
Also... there are CFL's that are better for Veg= Cool White, and CFL's for Flowering= Bright White. The different bulbs offer different light spectrums to the plant. If you plan on using CFL's throughout your grow I would look into this a bit further. :leaf:
This is incorrect. Cool white, bright white, and daylight are all the same, for vegging - 6500K. You'll want 2700K for flowering.:peace:


Active Member
thank you for the correction.. Soft White for Flowering.. :leaf:
I have 3 x 23W CFL's with 1 x 13W CFL now.

I'm also growing it in my closet. So this is only for personal use. So not really expecting to get ungodly
amounts of weed yet. That will have to wait until later of course when I gain some more experience.

I hope thats enough lights for the veg growth right now.

When the time comes I will buy the lighting for the flower stage.


Active Member
My baby's true leaves are perking up today after I transplanted her yesterday. Man is she being a resilient beauty. I guess I may have not shocked her too much.

I will update with some pictures as soon as I get the camera back. Which will be today sometime. I am also going to make a reflector for only a $1. They will be soda cans. I found a link that shows you how to do it. If you don't want to buy a reflector.


Active Member
Here are the pictures I had to wait on getting of my baby since the transplant.

Pic #1: Thee top view she's looking frisky. If you can see it she has two more leaves growing on her.

Pic #2: Side view of her.

Pic #3: Is my light setup as of now. At least until flowering.

I'm also thinking after this is done and I do a good job on it that I will order some seeds and grow some fruity dank. Maybe some White Widow MAX



Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures I had to wait on getting of my baby since the transplant.

Pic #1: Thee top view she's looking frisky. If you can see it she has two more leaves growing on her.

Pic #2: Side view of her.

Pic #3: Is my light setup as of now. At least until flowering.

I'm also thinking after this is done and I do a good job on it that I will order some seeds and grow some fruity dank. Maybe some White Widow MAX
She looks great! Love the homemade reflectors, well done. +rep.:peace:


Active Member
whats up you guys. newb to rollitup and growing. saw this thread and thought i'd join. i'm about 2.5 weeks since sprouts shown in my mini grow closet setup. i mixed my own soil after taking the advive from Q&A and reading threads about it. seedlings doing well though the first to sprout(also strongest) is turning a bit off green, not yellow but deffinately lighter green. can anyone tell me why and maybe how to fix?


Active Member
I have finally got the right lighting for my baby now.
Went to Lowes and got 4x 26W daylight CFL's. My other CFL's are gonna have to wait until Flowering to come back in. The tip of one of my leaves is yellow. What is her problem I hate seeing her like this.


Active Member
good call on the bulbs, though what i've picked from the knowledgible folks here is that they like the 2700k light for your seedlings, then the 6500k for veging then back to 6500k for flowering. i also read that you'll usually lose your first and/or second mains. 2 of mine did that, and a welcome suprise came yesterday the 3rd planter finaly sprouted, likely the runt of my trees


Active Member
good call on the bulbs, though what i've picked from the knowledgible folks here is that they like the 2700k light for your seedlings, then the 6500k for veging then back to 6500k for flowering. i also read that you'll usually lose your first and/or second mains. 2 of mine did that, and a welcome suprise came yesterday the 3rd planter finaly sprouted, likely the runt of my trees
Well I did use 2700K for sprout and I'm starting Veg so I'm going with the 6500K and having em on 18/6. I also heard that it was 6500K for Veg and 2700K for flowering.


Active Member
I think I may have been under watering my baby so I added a cup of pure water. I used a moister meter that has a scale from 1 to 10. 1 being dry and 10 being wet. I found out that my soil was almost very dry. It was at 2 and is now at 7. 7 is on the moist part but almost wet. So I think that was why my leaves were folding up and why it was turning yellow at the tips.


Active Member
Here she is after I fed her some pure H2O and left for a few hours and she has already grow some. Her second set of leaves are starting to show. Man am I glad I found a moister meter in my house without having to buy one. Thank you mother!



Active Member
You actually want to use the daylight or 6500k for seedlings and veg cycles. Then for flower use the 2700k, but also its actually better to have both just depends. Like if you are in veg you should have more daylight cfl's to warm white(2700k) at the rate of 3:1 or 2:1 and backwards when you reach flower. I myself am using cfl's but I have a real 125 watt daylight cfl with 4 more daylight cfl's. I've been vegging for about a month and a half and all those were good for 8 plants! But now I'm down to 3 female plants and a few clones!



Active Member
Also I thought I might add that I too started in small cups with miracle grow and let me tell you....pot size and soil is just as important almost as the light! The cups lasted me about a month for the whole seedling stage and a little for veg because I was poor to get more supplies. The whole time I was using 4 cfl's then I had to kick it up a notch and get some supplies, so I got some gal square pots with some Fox Farm Ancient Forest soil and damn......They hit a growth spurt like no other. Oh and I also added a 125 watt daylight cfl with a nice reflector. Honestly if you like vegging with cfl's, which to me is a good idea because you can be stealthy with cfl's and they do not give off much heat. So the light can be literally almost touching the plant and it keeps the node space small. Good nutes also makes a difference man. I too started with miracle grow easy nutes but like I said, once I got my made a huge ass difference. Not to mention I had about 230 cfl watts for 8 PLANTS! Too bad my best five plants were MALE. But its no worry because nothing beats flowering with a 1000 watt hps hortilux bulb! :joint:bongsmilie I really like small stealthy grows like this though, It's really awesome that we get to grow life....and smoke our creation when we are done:blsmoke: Happy GRowing~!


Active Member
Also I thought I might add that I too started in small cups with miracle grow and let me tell you....pot size and soil is just as important almost as the light! The cups lasted me about a month for the whole seedling stage and a little for veg because I was poor to get more supplies. The whole time I was using 4 cfl's then I had to kick it up a notch and get some supplies, so I got some gal square pots with some Fox Farm Ancient Forest soil and damn......They hit a growth spurt like no other. Oh and I also added a 125 watt daylight cfl with a nice reflector. Honestly if you like vegging with cfl's, which to me is a good idea because you can be stealthy with cfl's and they do not give off much heat. So the light can be literally almost touching the plant and it keeps the node space small. Good nutes also makes a difference man. I too started with miracle grow easy nutes but like I said, once I got my made a huge ass difference. Not to mention I had about 230 cfl watts for 8 PLANTS! Too bad my best five plants were MALE. But its no worry because nothing beats flowering with a 1000 watt hps hortilux bulb! :joint:bongsmilie I really like small stealthy grows like this though, It's really awesome that we get to grow life....and smoke our creation when we are done:blsmoke: Happy GRowing~!
Note: This is only one plant.

I would buy a 1000 watt hps hortilux but cash is a big problem for me seeing as I have no job. As soon as it is ready to nute I will be using some orchid feed mixed with water. I've heard that it would be fine to use on my plant.

