my first grow!!!!

Hey Everyone! ive finally saved enough money to start my first grow project. Its all for my personal use (sick of the shady bullshit) and i have a huge interest in growing things. I would like to get some advice from some people who really know what there talking about on here ( really appreciated)

Here is what i have purchased so far

STEALTH HYDROPONICS/bubbleponics system

i chose the DUAL SPECTRUM 65 WATT
OUTPUT : 3,400 Lumens Each (x2) = 6,800 Lumens total

i also have purchased a LED light panel like this one but around 90W 660nnm red and and 450nnm blue...

so now i am stuck. i cant decide wether to purchase a grow tent or to just build my own. i kinda would like it to be a closet grow that is really hidden.. stealth, its called right?

is there a certain height it needs to be if i built it? any advice on good dimensions? or does that depend on the seeds which leads me to my next question...

what are some safe and reliable sites to get some good seeds from? i def want to grow pure indica to reduce my anxiety.

im a professional photog and im planning to take lots of HQ pix that i will be logging on here for everyone to see. high time quality pix!


Well-Known Member
Wecome to the forum :) I'm not very familiar with hydroponics, so I can't help you there. However, I'm thinking you may want to consider more lighting. Good luck on your grow!