My first grow


Well-Known Member
Well I want to start off by saying that I read a few books and watched a few videos before I ever started to germinate a seed but I still have managed to fuck shit up in 14 days, which I didn't think I was going to.
Alright to start I ordered 10 Northern Lights seeds from Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices, which I have no complaints about they came in about 7 days if I remember right (5 business). After that I placed two seeds in between wet paper towel that were in between plates and put them in my closet. I also put two seeds in a cup of water for 24hrs give or take a hour and then put those in the paper towels as well. The reason I did this is because I had read the best to methods of germination were the paper towel method and the glass of water method, however with the glass of water method you had to check on them every 2 to 3 hours because you didn't want to leave them in the water to long after they cracked. So I tried both to see which worked better for me.
So 29 1/2 hrs later two seeds cracked, one from the glass of water and one that was only in the paper towels. The only difference was the the tap root was a little longer on the seed that was in the glass of water. So at that point I put each of them in a jiffy pellet which was in a glass with saran wrap over the top of the glass for a green house effect. At 62 1/2 hrs both seedlings had pushed up through the surface and I removed the saran wrap and put them under 4 CFL's (GE 29 watt energy savers claim the same light power as 150 watt light bulbs, 2100 lumes each) 10" from the plants.
***This was my first mistake, I was going to go with reg flor tubes at first but after reading on here how much people liked CFL's I decided to try them myself, the mistake was that the color spectrum wasn't on the outside of the package at all but rather on the inside and they were soft white which I have read are garbage***
Also I have read that lights aren't required until they start to grow the first set of fan leaves but I wanted to be safe.
Day 4, the main root was protruding from the bottom of the jiffy pellet so I moved them to my pots, now before you tell me I was stupid I already am aware so you can hold it in, which were 12" with Hyponex soil. Also I switched out the soft white lights for 5 cool white CFL's 1600 lumes each.
***This is second and third mistake in one. First I have used this soil before with other plants and it was really nice and came with a good amount of perlite in it but that was when I lived in a different place and this shit is "regionly made" or some such bullshit which I guess means it can be really good soil in one place and then you go somewhere else and its mud with clay in it but being on a budget I said let me try it out and see what happens (I know that was the stupid part). The second part is the 12" pots, out of everything that I have read nothing really addressed proper pot size, only that each time you transplanted to a bigger pot you ran the risk of socking the plant and delaying its growth. So having a reasonable amount of common scene and no experience I thought well if I never transplant that would be a good thing, yes I am aware that I was wrong.
Day 6, the first two seedlings are growing a second set of leaves and the third seed has broken through the soil in its jiffy pellet.
Day 7 the third seedling is moved to a pot(same as others)
Day 8 I took some pictures, its a cheap camera sorry you'll get over it. At this point I have been misting my plants with plain water and misting the soil as well. Also I am getting kind of pissed at this forth seed, so put a new one in a glass of water for 24hrs.



Active Member
so whats the problem?...the sprouts look great to me....just make sure you keep the lights 1-2 inches away from the sprout....and it was a good a idea to plant in bigger transplant needed that way...good luck


Well-Known Member
Day 9, I watered all three plants (this is the first time, I was misting prior to this) until water started to run out of the bottom of the pots. I also moved the new seed from the glass of water to the paper towels.
Day 10, The new seed cracked and is moved to a jiffy pellet.
Day 11, The bigger of the three plants is starting to have yellowing on the bottom fan leaves. I think that I also found that I had burned the leaves of another plant this day as well, luckily it wasn't too bad.
***Forth mistake, according to "The Cannabis Grow Bible" you should use your hand to determine how far away to put your lights...if your hand is uncomfortable they are to close if not then they are ok or move closer....or fucking not...since my CFL's dont put off to much heat (I can touch the bulbs and it is uncomfortable but doesn't burn) I had them at about 1" to 1 1/2"...not good****
Day 13, The yellow is just getting worse and moving up the plant and now another plant is turning yellow and starting to wilt. Also I have been looking around on here and it would look like over watering mixed with something else. I found someone else on here using the same soil with the same problem. So I go out and get better soil, perlite, vermiculite, 4 6" pots and 4 8" pots. I then mixed up 3 parts soil, 1 part perlite and 1 part vermiculite and put it in my 6" pots and moved the 3 seedlings to the 6" pots. Just as a side note while pulling them out of the Hyponex soil, the soil on the first inch or two was dry as hell and then it went directly to soaked and roots that had grown down had grown directly into little pieces of clay that were in this shitty soil.
Day 14, all three plants have perked up quite a bit and look much happier. You can also see in the picture how yellow the leaves got because they are actually less yellow today then yesterday. Also the forth seed has still not broke through the soil in the jiffy pellet, I'm a little sad.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't say that starting with large pot is a bad thing but I can say that large pots with shitty soil, with shitty dranage will damage your plants. I may have been ok if I would have kept up with misting instead of saturating the soil with water. But all together did not go well for my plants.


Well-Known Member
i dont know man, id say you're def over watering anyway and yea move the light to about 2-3" away untill you think the stem is strong enough to withstand a fan blowing on it. then move the lights closer with the fan blowing to keep things cool


Well-Known Member
i dont know man, id say you're def over watering anyway and yea move the light to about 2-3" away untill you think the stem is strong enough to withstand a fan blowing on it. then move the lights closer with the fan blowing to keep things cool
Really? I have only watered twice, once while they were in the 12" pots and then once after transplanting them to smaller pots. Other than that they were just misted. Also I already had a fan on them so I don't know, maybe to much light intensity for them being so young?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did raise the lights a few days ago and you are more or less right it was kind of over watering...the soil had pretty much no drainage so when I took the plants out of the big pots the first inch or two was bone dry but the next ten inches or so was like mud and all clumped on the roots...they looked really bad but they are doing alot better now and the yellow leaves are trying to get their green color back but I'm not sure that those leaves will make a recovery but the plants are doing well. I'll put up new pictures in a few days.


Active Member
looks to me your doing fine now. im also doing my first grow and know the pain of things going wrong. like you ive watched dvds, read books and seems like a million post and the one thing ive learned is everyones grow is different and just be smart without being over anxious.


Well-Known Member
looks to me your doing fine now. im also doing my first grow and know the pain of things going wrong. like you ive watched dvds, read books and seems like a million post and the one thing ive learned is everyones grow is different and just be smart without being over anxious.
Yeah I have to say that being overanxious is the number one problem of educated first timers. At least thats what it seemed like for me, well that and having a strict budget but yeah everything has turned around and started going well.


Well-Known Member
Day 15-17 The only thing that really happened was that I'm pretty sure that I was keeping my seed to moist in the jiffy pellet as it stopped growing as soon as it hit the jiffy pellet although I did use the same one that I used for the seed that fail before this one.
Day 18 Started a new seed again, this time only using the paper towel method no glass of water
Day 19 watered all three plants and the tap root of the new seed is showing.
Day 20 moved the new seed to 6" pot not a jiffy pellet and took pictures


Well-Known Member
Day 22 Watered all three plants with 250ml water with 10% Nutes 20-20-20
Day 25 Watered all three with plain water
Day 27 Watered all three with 30%. Also should have waited to water Blue until another day it wasn't as thirsty as the others and showed some signs of over watering the next day.
Day 30 Took pictures, will water later with plain water.
Day 22-30 I killed another fucking seedling this time the opposite instead of over watering when the seed was in the jiffy pellet, I got a seedling and avoided the jiffy pellet and under watered trying to learn from past mistakes and it fucking died. Contemplating starting another or just waiting to make clones.



Well-Known Member
Oh just one other thing I forgot...yesterday
Day 29 I went out and bought a Holmes Ionizing Air Purifier because the smell was getting pretty bad and as soon as I opened the front door home from work I could smell them. I didn't really expect much but in about a hour and half to two hours the smell was gone I don't know how long it will last but $14 beats the fuck out of going out and getting a charcoal filter and a fan for it, for right now.


Well-Known Member
Day 31 Watered, added 1/2 tsp per 1/2 gallon, 350-400 ml per plant. Added 1/4 tsp of sulfur per plant on top of soil to lower ph of soil. Currently high 7's.
Day 32
"Purp", 9 1/2", bottom two fan leaves very yellow, two above that greenish yellow.
"Blue", 7", bottom 4 fan leaves nute burn from poring nutes on them, I assume.
"Green", 4 3/4", overall good condition.
Day 33 Changed photo period from 24/0 to 20/4
Day 34 Watered all 3
Day 37 Watered all 3 added 6 drops of MG 9-8-7 per 1.5 quarts (this is 30% of what is recommend for every watering use per 1 quart so it is actually 20% of recommend) 500 ml each.
"Purp", 12 1/2", bottom 4 fan leaves turned yellow then brown then fell off.
"Blue", 8", bottom two fan leaves fell off 3 above them look like they have nute burn(once again I assume this is from me not being careful enough and poring over these leaves)
"Green", 5 1/2", bottom 2 fan leaves turning yellow.
***I should note that on all plants there is new vegetative growth on "Green" mostly, all new growth is in the form of small branches, So I do not know if the fan leaves falling of are due to a lack of nutes, high ph of soil, occurring naturally to make room for branches or a combination of the previous or something else entirely.***
Day 40 Watered all 3 added 7 drops per 1.5 quarts, 500ml each
Day 43 X-fered all plants to 8" pots, watered all 3, 8 drops per 1.5 quarts, 1 liter each plant
Day 45 Added 1/2 tsp of sulfur to each pot, soil still high 7's
"Purp", 19 1/2",3 sets of fan leaves have fallen off, 4th set is yellowing
"Blue", 10", 3 sets fallen off, 4th yellowing
"Green", 7 1/2", 1 set trimmed off, new growth on bottom branches has yellowing tips.
***I'm sure that the high ph may have a part to play in this however if that is the case I don't understand why it would wait until Day 31+ to start showing? Also thought it could be nutes deficiency but I have looked at pics of Nitrogen deficiency and it seemed different to me. So Feel free to give your opinion. Also the ionizing fan worked very well for a few days now works ok but not well so I don't know how much of a permanent solution it is.***



Well-Known Member
Day 49 Watered plants, 1.5 liters each, 10 drops of MG 9-8-7 per 1.5 quarts

Day 54 Watered plants, 1.75 liters each, 12 drops per 1.5 quarts

Day 55 I decided that since all three of my plants had already pre-flowered and all three were female that I would just use them as mothers. So I took 6 branches from my smallest plant(Green, the reason I chose this plant was it was the only one that was branching out)

Day 56 I replaced my 10 26 watt CFL's with a 400 watt MH

Day 60 Watered plants, 1.5 liters each, 13 drops per 1.5 quarts, water ph 6.4....Added 3 CFL's back to give light to bottom of the plants.

Purp: 31 1/2" Still very little branching, one leaf at the bottom is yellowing

Blue: 16 1/4" Also very little branching, two leaves at the bottom yellowing

Green: 12" Branching well, two leaves at the bottom are yellow (I believe this is do to very little light reaching the bottom leaves)

****Also I did notice today that all the new leaves have been much thinner that the original ones, I don't know if that is from the day time temp dropping 10 degrees (F) or if that is just something that happens as the plant grows. Just thought I would throw that in there****

Clones (Day 6, [Green]): All are still perky however leaves towards bottom are yellowing

I will try to put up pictures tonight or tomorrow just didn't feel like it right now I guess


Well-Known Member
Just as a side note Day 60 was actually Day 5 for my clones, the day that I took them I count as Day 0

Day 61/6 My first clones roots came out of the jiffy pellet and moved to a 6" pot "Green A"

Day 64/9 Two more clones roots started showing and where moved to pots "Green B" & "Green C"

Day 65 Watered all three mothers with 2.5 Liters of water and added 1 tsp of blood meal to the soil of each

Day 67/12 Two more clones moved to pots "Green D" & "Green E"

Day 68/13 Final clone moved to pot "Green F" 100% success rate first time cloning.
Watered Green A 300ml water, 1 drop of MG, 1/4tsp of Blood Meal, water ph 6.5

Day 71/16/0 Watered Green A 400ml 2 drops MG, water Ph 6.4
Watered Green B through Green F 400ml, 1 drop MG, 1/2 tsp Blood Meal water Ph 5.9 to 6.2
Watered Green 1.5 Liters 10 drops MG, 1/2 tsp of Blood Meal Ph 6.3
Watered Purple 1.5 L 15 drops MG, 1/2 tsp BM ph 6.3
Watered Blue 1.5 L 12 drops MG, 1/2 tsp BM ph 6.1
Green A - 5"
Green B - 4"
Green C - 2 3/4"
Green D - 2 1/2"
Green E - 2"
Green F - 2 1/4"
Green - 15 3/4"
Purple - 39 1/4"
Blue - 19 1/2"

Two hours later I topped my "Purple" plant and started 3 clones

Three hours after that I got an itch to do some research so I heavily pruned the "Purple" plants fan leaves to see if it would increase the branch growth as it had very little to this point.
I also heavily pruned my "Green" plant because it had massive branch growth and it was starting to just be all bunched up with large fan leaves and small branches.
So far both have responded positively

Anyways, I finally found the camera again these are lazy pictures but mainly cause my MH light was fucking with the pictures.

Day 75/20
