My first grow


Well-Known Member
so this is my first grow and i have 5 Babys living in a round plastic cup
about 2 Weeks old. i use an 100w clear light bulb {iv read alot of stuff about bulbs the bulb i have imitats the sun as if it where sitting on a windo ledg} and the bulb isnt to hot or to cold. i dont want to use stimulents or growth potions.the babys are 2'1/2 inchs tall and i realy want to transplant them with out them going into shock and im going to read about co2 gas to help them. they each have 2 leaves

how should i go about transplanting

if i have an earth worm in my soil what should i do

and the stem of one is kinda purple ??


Well-Known Member
first off, what kind of light are you using. secondly, your plants will shock when you transplant no matter what. but you need to get them out of that one cup and into their own pots asap. co2 wont really help them much when transplanting. but co2 does increase yeilds when used all the way through the grow. purple stems with seedlings is normal. all of my stems were purple the first week or 2 and i am way past that phase with no problems. but purple stems during your grow could mean a mg deficency.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what that is. is it a fluroescent, incandesent, high pressure sodium, metal halide, mercury vapor, light emitting diodes? gotta give me some more info than Type T


Well-Known Member
AW man well my 100w gust burnt idk why and im using a type t 40w

and i have know clue to what it is im super new to growing

its the kinda bulb that looks long and skinny

its clear glass sun yellow and warm so...


Well-Known Member
your using an incandesent bulb. they cannot be used for growing plants. you need either fluorescent, metal halide, or high pressure sodium. those types of light are suitable for growing.


Well-Known Member
you need to do more research b4 you grow anything bro. i can tell your very very very very new to this. go to the grow faq section and read. read. read. read. you need to do alot more reading man. dont buy anything until you know how to produce healthy plants


Well-Known Member
yes you can use compact fluorescents(the spiral looking bulbs that go into regular screw in sockets) but you will need at least 100 watts per plant. i personally dont use them for anything other than seedlings and clones. i use a metal halide for my vegetative plants. and high pressure sodium for my flowering plants. the blue spectrum from the metal halide mimicks the summertime sun. the orange/red spectrum from the high pressure sodium mimicks the fall sun. heres a tip of advice. you go cheap, you grow cheap.


Well-Known Member
lol im on a buget its why im growing it myself :D once i start growing it more ill start buying the 50$-600$ bulbs to help vegitation
im not looking to start a 50 plant basment garden soo


Well-Known Member
well you have to have adequate equipment to even grow bud sooooo you can go with cfl's i just dont know how good your bud will be


Active Member
I have 2 immature plants about 2 months old. I use no artificial light at all. I rotate the plants to different windows in my home and capture as much sunlight as possible. You can see by the long stems that there is insufficient lighting, but the plants are healthy and starting to flower. I prop one up with a bamboo skewer because it's top heavy. The other plant is just starting to show pistils. This is kind of an experiment, and my first grow. I planted LATE in the season for my latitude. Next spring I'll plant early if I can get any seeds out of these guys. You'll also notice that both are different species. One smells strong skunk, the flowering plant on the left smells of chlorophyll. I measure them daily now that they are flowering and get about 1/4" of growth on sunny days. The rest of the time it's cloudy here, but I still get good light considering... but nothing like you experienced growers with all of your fancy lighting equip. Comments?