My first grow


Active Member
looking sexy my man!
How long have you had them?
7 weeks
How many CFLs you using?
2 100 watt cfls
My guess would be 2 lights, in the pic it looks like one light from the top and one from the side.
You got it

I live in an apartment and that is the best I can do They are all around 2 feet (3 plants). I know I need more light but its all a learning thing for me. I started them out late this year on the fire escape but moved them inside because it is getting way to cold out there at night now.
Looks very good for just 2 lights. I had 6 42watt CFLs from walmart for 4 plants.
Gonna merge my mini veg box with my closet as soon as closet finishes flowering.
Then the mini's CLFs 2 54watt I think... will come and veg with the others.


Active Member
Looks very good for just 2 lights. I had 6 42watt CFLs from walmart for 4 plants.
Gonna merge my mini veg box with my closet as soon as closet finishes flowering.
Then the mini's CLFs 2 54watt I think... will come and veg with the others.
Wish I could setup a couple of HPS lights but thats just wishfull thinking where I am....A ballast is not safe here.

42 watt cfl is 150 output?
I ignore the number it says it replaces if that's what you mean.
The actual wattage is the only number I really look at.
Once my last plant (Bella) finishes flowering I can convert my closet back to veg and move everyone in there.
6 X 42 + 2 X 54 = 360 actual watts.

I kind of like CFLs because you can position each bulb to meet each plant's needs. My flast flowering plant (Bella) has lights all around her at every height so all of her buds and leaves are getting light.


Active Member
I ignore the number it says it replaces if that's what you mean.
The actual wattage is the only number I really look at.
Once my last plant (Bella) finishes flowering I can convert my closet back to veg and move everyone in there.
6 X 42 + 2 X 54 = 360 actual watts.

I kind of like CFLs because you can position each bulb to meet each plant's needs. My flast flowering plant (Bella) has lights all around her at every height so all of her buds and leaves are gettiSSPX0613.jpgng light.
I like them also.......But what do I know. It's my first grow
Nice weather today (83) I put the plants on the fire escape


I dont know why my posts are coming out all fucked up


Active Member
I clipped the top of the plant because the trics were amber but not on the lower branches.

I know small nuggets but hey I am happy with it. It's my first grow.


My plants
