My First Grow


Well-Known Member

first pick is her as a baby did some super cropping on her keeped her lowprofile she started flowering back about month ago buds are looking nice my first time growing not doing to shabby a


Well-Known Member
Looks nice bro. You got some good straight up Sativa genetics. I havent grown a str8 sativa like that in forever.


Well-Known Member
had to flush my babys today where showing signs of magnesium deficiency with yellowing and small brown spots on my leafs thougth it migth have been part of flowering process but seemed alittle over boared


Well-Known Member
man i took a good sniff of my buds this morn and i got me some sinsemilla man got that old school sinse smell loven it think im going to cut me some clones off her for a winter indoor grow now that i see she is gonna be some of that fire hopefully i can keep it going till next summers grow season so i can place some back in my spot outdoors and sence i flushed it out yesterday i see difference already plus added epson so all should be well soon should i get some Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster to make her really start feeling out or? kinda hard on eastcoast to get my hands on the stuff you guys can get on the west coast and so on


Well-Known Member
anyone got some tips on what to give the ladys now that they are flowering keep in mind im on the east coast so cant get the things that you can on the west coast i just want to make sure them buds get big as possible


Well-Known Member
if you want to go more organic then you can pick up Alaska Morbloom and Alaska Fish Fert at Lowe's and mix those at half strength each nd feed your babies with that formula.....I'm sure they would love it


Well-Known Member
ah ok thats what i was thinking of useing the Mg Bloom Booster so just mix tsp of it with 1 gallon of water and use dureing regular watering?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I've used the bloom booster before, it works. Maybe start with one scoop from the small end in 1 gal of water. Then the next time 2 scoops and so on until you get a little tip burn then back off.


Well-Known Member
ah ok thats what i was thinking of useing the Mg Bloom Booster so just mix tsp of it with 1 gallon of water and use dureing regular watering?
I use it every other watering......
something like that
I only use 1 teaspoon per gallon because I have to feed 2 or 3 times a week because of the heat out here.


Well-Known Member
yeah that would work for next year for sure rigth now just trying to get the ball rolling in town
nitrogen you should have no problem finding, but I started a thread today in the general section asking about Alaska Morbloom (Home Depot $15) for phos. and pot.
Only bad about it so far, even reading older thread here from 2010, was it attracts animals.


Active Member
Some times organic outdoors in some areas just dont work. And that's how monsanto was born. Making shit land into lush crops. I think it would suck to gardenin the mountains with fish meal, and find a bear one day. I just might shit my self, and give my plants a nitrogen burn.....
.......... Ok maybe I took this joke to far.


Well-Known Member
nitrogen you should have no problem finding, but I started a thread today in the general section asking about Alaska Morbloom (Home Depot $15) for phos. and pot.
Only bad about it so far, even reading older thread here from 2010, was it attracts animals.
I use Morbloom. Doesn't attract any house pets. Probably in the bush it would attract wild animals tho

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
if you want to go more organic then you can pick up Alaska Morbloom and Alaska Fish Fert at Lowe's and mix those at half strength each nd feed your babies with that formula.....I'm sure they would love it
Good friend of mine gave me a bottle of morbloom to try. Then I bought a bottle of their fish fertilizer. I'm trying this on one of my plants. Together they should make a 5-11-11 combo mix. That's a good npk for flowering.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
The fish fertilizer bottle smells like rotten fish guts. It really does stink bad. They are all natural, but not omri certified, whatever. All organic shit stinks.