My first grow


Well-Known Member
Girlfriend being a cunt. Threatened to call the cops so I had to flush her :(. Oh well just means I can have a New start with good equipment and better plans. Thanks for the help everyone! I learned a lot and I'll be coming back when I start the next grow. And I'll still be hanging around to learn and help when I can! Peace!



Active Member
Yeah. I am so pissed. She's one of those psycho, controlling types. I finally made her realize the error of her ways haha. But I learned a ton! And I will definitely be doing another grow whether she knows about it or not. Next grow will be with better equipment, some tried and true genetics(no bagseed), and more preparation. Might be able to get an hps. Think I could get a 150w Hps in a mini fridge if I had a 4" inline fan connected to the flange and immedietely exiting the box and still keep temps okay? If not I have plenty of cfl power for 1 plant.