My First grow


Active Member
Alll the photos above are of my bomb thc auto bomb, this is her a little over one week in flower. How's she look? I think she's looking awesome, small but awesome. I'm stoked to have my first ever flowering plant :). I don't know if you can see it, cause Riu takes my photos and kills the resolution but, if you can see it, is it normal for the tips of those white hairs to turn brown towards their tips?

Now the five photos above, their of the two jack herer plants that I was having problems with. If you look back you can see how they were getting dead yellow spots on them, I thought it was over feeding, well I took some advice from a few Riu members and it turns out I was over watering, under feeding, and spraying them in full lighting. They look alot better right? Their 3-4 days into 12/12.


My bubbleponics set up, I'm still waiting to actually put my overly rooted clones in their till I have the temp under control. The res right now is at 74-76 degrees, but I'm going to pick up a separate window unit today so I can get it down to around 70.


My first attempt at cloning, and yeah it was successful so far 4 out of six rooted, and I think the two that didnt root, would have but I accidentally pulled them out their plugs before they could root.

My skunk x white widow, their still pretty small might be on their fourth week of veg, should I take them out the flower room or, will they be okay to start them budding ? Their only like 12"-14" tall.

Just showing more of the auto bomb


Here is my stinkbud aero veg. It will be some time before I get to use it but I Can't wait. It was super easy to build, and really cheap too. Might have cost me about $30 to build it.


Active Member
Okay so my second batch of clones arent rooting as fast as the 1st batch did, these were done in rockwool cubes, the first ones were rapid rooter plugs. i went thru today taking each clone out and draining the plugs, they were dripping wet(i dont think i dried up from when i first wet them), then cleaned the whole thing in mild bleach, then after putting the clones back in i sprayed them ONCE with water, then sealed it up. hopefully i havent damaged them in anyway but i may have.


Active Member
So my jack herer's are flowering, they are showing their white hairs. I can't wait for them to bud up.

Also I'm getting a co2 setup, hopefully I can get some faster growth. Cause it's taken me far to long to get smokeable bud.


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IMG_8339.jpgIMG_8340 - Copy.jpg
Is this mold? I noticed it in one of my pots.


Jack herer flowering.


This is my auto bomb thc. Is it just because its my first time, or does this look like some killer bud!?! It's smell is mild,but if I bump into it, it's sticky like sap.


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Came home to the most pathetic looking plant,for some unknown reason the pump failed and the top feed was off for a while. Hopefully it doesn't die.


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wow im glad ive been journaling. Just went back and looked at all my photos, i loved seeing them go from one leaf to flowering plants, I cant wait till havest... i was thinking of maybe cutting one little branch off my auto, just so i can have a bit of experience with the harvesting drying part before i harvest my big plants...


Active Member
So if anyone is following this , I did a partial harvest on my auto bomb, I just took around 15 grams (wet) off the plant, from the center of the plant and off the bottom.
Here's my jack herer flowering nicely

Full flowering room.

what would cause those white hairs to shrivel and die? Like I noticed on a bud or two that the tips were browning and dieing, is it from nutrient burn?

Heres the stuff I harvested. How's that trim job look?

Here's my dwc I'm doing, I'm veg'ing in a tote style setup. Then moving them to 5gallon buckets. I'm seeing some crazy growth. I took the plant on the left and put it into flower.

auto bomb


Active Member
As always I post for feedback so let me know what you think. It's crazy this thread has 1700+ view but only like 76 posts, most of those by me.


judging from the last pic, looks like it needs 3 more weeks but 2 if you cant wait. your doing good the plants look healthy, they can go a few more weeks and you will get better smelling buds, bigger buds, and a high that will last longer if you wait.


Active Member
Man I did something really dumb, I allowed my light to get way too close to my auto plant and it nuked the top of one of the main colas. Lesson learned on that one... Anyways she's almost done now so i plan on flushing her with a fox farms flushing agent. Then i will harvest her over the weekend.

Mr John

Active Member
Did anyone answer about your mold? I am still learning here but that sure looked like mold to me