My first grow

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Just wanted too know how I was doing for my first grow. The plant is 7 inches tall.

Also, is it normal to have the leaves become droopy like they are? Or am I just a horrible grower, haha.

In the last picture I noticed on the smallest leave(farther of the two small leaves), on the big leaf closer to the bottom of the picture, that there was a weird yellow spot/chunk thing. Any ideas on what that could be?(I dont think its nute burn because this hasn't shown up through out the plants growth, only in some spots)



Well-Known Member
what sort of light are you using?

also, you may be overwatering them slightly if they appear droopy - if you're using CFLS they don't dry out the soil very quickly, so depending an ambient temps you may wanna water every 3 days.

the yellow spot(s) may be nutes burn - are you using nutrients at this stage? if so, you might want to reduce the amount.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
planted 4/21. I believe there about 26 days old(just an estimate)

Im using miracle grow which is packet with nutes haha

and my lights were 1 30 watt/2050 lumens now i have two

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
You guys are all gunna laugh haha. So i was transplanting, and spilled some dirt around the grow area. And like to keep a nice tidy area, as its a stealth grow. Knew it would be risky vacumming around the area, but i did it anyway and sucked up a whole set of leaves off the plant hahaha.