New Member
Hello Guys!
Welcome to my first grow! I've dealt with a lot of weed in the past year, but I found my first bag seed last month. It was from a batch of OG Kush I picked up from my dealer. It felt like Christmas when i found the first seed! I searched the rest of my Oz and only found one more. So I soaked a paper towel and only one germinated. It was planted on the 4th. I wasn't really committed to growing yet so I first just set it in the window sill which caused quite a bit of stretching.

The soil i have it in is a organic no fertilizer soil from lowes. The pot I have it in is a peat moss pot. The fertilizer I have for it is Miracle Grow 12-4-8.
I realized (thanks to the help of someone from this site) that I really needed to stop the stretch so I went ahead and went to lowes to get some CFLs for veg. I want to pick up a LED just havent been able to decide which one to get yet. Its between the progrow 180 and the clw solarflare 200. I'm just not sure if i want to spend the extra 100 on the clw light.
I had it in this cabinet for a few days

However the cabinet would have been hard to light proof, as well as eventually add a ventilation system too. My goal in mind for this grow is stealth. My roommate would not be too happy to find out I am growing a plant in the house. I went to lowes again and picked up the plants final home!

I have not been able to go pick up some reflective material to line to cabinet with yet so there is a minor shine through the plastic. I will be re potting the plant in the next couple of days. I will bury most of the stretched out stem. The leaves are too heavy for the little stem to hold up so I have it propped against the white label you see. We don't always have our air on which is why the high got to 82 degrees, I try to keep it around 79. The low of 72 was lights off. It is currently on a 18/6 schedule.
I appreciate any feedback you guys have. I realize with this being my first grow I am going to be making some mistakes and look forward to the help this community may offer. If anyone has some experience with those led lights let me know about it! Also if someone can recommend a quiet way to vent this cabinet let me know. Stealth is a priority in this grow!
Welcome to my first grow! I've dealt with a lot of weed in the past year, but I found my first bag seed last month. It was from a batch of OG Kush I picked up from my dealer. It felt like Christmas when i found the first seed! I searched the rest of my Oz and only found one more. So I soaked a paper towel and only one germinated. It was planted on the 4th. I wasn't really committed to growing yet so I first just set it in the window sill which caused quite a bit of stretching.

The soil i have it in is a organic no fertilizer soil from lowes. The pot I have it in is a peat moss pot. The fertilizer I have for it is Miracle Grow 12-4-8.
I realized (thanks to the help of someone from this site) that I really needed to stop the stretch so I went ahead and went to lowes to get some CFLs for veg. I want to pick up a LED just havent been able to decide which one to get yet. Its between the progrow 180 and the clw solarflare 200. I'm just not sure if i want to spend the extra 100 on the clw light.
I had it in this cabinet for a few days

However the cabinet would have been hard to light proof, as well as eventually add a ventilation system too. My goal in mind for this grow is stealth. My roommate would not be too happy to find out I am growing a plant in the house. I went to lowes again and picked up the plants final home!

I have not been able to go pick up some reflective material to line to cabinet with yet so there is a minor shine through the plastic. I will be re potting the plant in the next couple of days. I will bury most of the stretched out stem. The leaves are too heavy for the little stem to hold up so I have it propped against the white label you see. We don't always have our air on which is why the high got to 82 degrees, I try to keep it around 79. The low of 72 was lights off. It is currently on a 18/6 schedule.
I appreciate any feedback you guys have. I realize with this being my first grow I am going to be making some mistakes and look forward to the help this community may offer. If anyone has some experience with those led lights let me know about it! Also if someone can recommend a quiet way to vent this cabinet let me know. Stealth is a priority in this grow!