My First Grow!


New Member
Hello Guys!

Welcome to my first grow! I've dealt with a lot of weed in the past year, but I found my first bag seed last month. It was from a batch of OG Kush I picked up from my dealer. It felt like Christmas when i found the first seed! I searched the rest of my Oz and only found one more. So I soaked a paper towel and only one germinated. It was planted on the 4th. I wasn't really committed to growing yet so I first just set it in the window sill which caused quite a bit of stretching.

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The soil i have it in is a organic no fertilizer soil from lowes. The pot I have it in is a peat moss pot. The fertilizer I have for it is Miracle Grow 12-4-8.
I realized (thanks to the help of someone from this site) that I really needed to stop the stretch so I went ahead and went to lowes to get some CFLs for veg. I want to pick up a LED just havent been able to decide which one to get yet. Its between the progrow 180 and the clw solarflare 200. I'm just not sure if i want to spend the extra 100 on the clw light.

I had it in this cabinet for a few days
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However the cabinet would have been hard to light proof, as well as eventually add a ventilation system too. My goal in mind for this grow is stealth. My roommate would not be too happy to find out I am growing a plant in the house. I went to lowes again and picked up the plants final home!

I have not been able to go pick up some reflective material to line to cabinet with yet so there is a minor shine through the plastic. I will be re potting the plant in the next couple of days. I will bury most of the stretched out stem. The leaves are too heavy for the little stem to hold up so I have it propped against the white label you see. We don't always have our air on which is why the high got to 82 degrees, I try to keep it around 79. The low of 72 was lights off. It is currently on a 18/6 schedule.

I appreciate any feedback you guys have. I realize with this being my first grow I am going to be making some mistakes and look forward to the help this community may offer. If anyone has some experience with those led lights let me know about it! Also if someone can recommend a quiet way to vent this cabinet let me know. Stealth is a priority in this grow!
You will need ventillation for the cabinet, if you stick with cfl a computer fan should work. When you flip to flower it will stink, buy or make a carbon filter. Bag seed is unpredictable even from good smoke so don't expect much. Should be a great learning experience though. Before you sink money into the grow see if you have a female plant. Think about sticking with cfl for this grow and upgrade when you have a better idea of exactly what you will need for stealth/smell suppression etc. Just sharing some thoughts...

Good luck
Cascadian thank you for your positive input!

Alright guys, its been a week since my last update and i'm so happy! This plant is growing like wildfire. Every morning and everytime I get home from work It is always noticeable how much bigger the plant has gotten. I just hope my little plant is a she. It's been one month since I planted it, and while the grow was slow at first due to having it in the windowsil it is exploding under these cfls.

I added another bulb to the group. This one is a 6,500 bulb and the other two are 5,000. I think I could really tell a difference when I added the third.

Here are some pics
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I moved it into it's new pot less than a week ago, and i already think it is time to move it again. I can see the roots coming out of the bottom. What do you guys think?
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I'm thinking about topping my plant, but I am afraid I am going to end up hurting it somehow. Can anyone give me some pointers for topping it? I've read where to do it, just afraid to go ahead with it.
Hey guys. Big progress for my grow journal. This little plant is just taking off. It slowed down a little right after i topped it, but I think everything went well and the two main stems are growing super fast now.
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After some research and much thought I finally picked out a fan. I ended up getting a vortex s-line 6" fan. Little bit more than what I need, but I figured I would at least have room to upgrade in the future. Also this puppy is quiet. Haven't even heard it with the filter and ducting on yet. I'm kinda nervous to start the next part of my plan which is to actaully install the fan and filter. The filter that came with the fan (combo set) was a little bit bigger than I was anticipating, but hopefully I will find a way to make it work.

Heres a pic of the new fan and filter
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My plant has started to develop some yellowing to the lower leaves though. I've been plucking them off when they get really yellow. I'm not sure if its a nitrogen deficiency and would really love some inputs on this guys
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If anyone can give me some tips on how to get this filter mounted on the inside of this cabinet I have I would also really love to hear some advice. Thanks for following along with me guys, i'm sure we will find our way through this
Solid job on that plant man, looks healthy I would not worry about the small amount of yellowing in your pic. It is about the time when you should start feeding it a dilute solution of fertilizer. Start at 1/4 strength and take it slow moving up to maybe 60% strength over a couple weeks. Only fertilize every other watering.

It is hard to give advice on mounting your fan/filter combo. I would try to figure out how to suspend it on one side of the cabinet maybe with a short length of ducting going to the filter. Bungee cords work really well to isolate vibration from the fan.
Hey guys, Looking for some help real quick. Mounting my carbon filter, and i got it Hung!!! (Woot Woot). I'm putting the sock on and I found these clips. I'm not sure what they are for though. I have bands to hold it in place. If anyone can tell me what these clips are for I would really appreciate it!
Hey guys, finished hanging my filter and fan. Keep in mind that I am no handy man, but thanks to some brainstorming with my girlfriend I really do believe we did a great job. At least for a first time set up. Here is what my cabinet looks like now.

I put a simple sheet of plywood on top to anchor my I-Bolts to. I used a nut and washer to insure the bolt doesn't get pulled back through the wood.
The side of my cabinet looks a little ghetto but like i said working with what i got here

And of course here is a general pic of the plant

I am going to start my kerala x skunk freebies that I got from herbies pretty soon.

Time for a serious question. I bought some ingredients to make my own soil-less mix (peat, vermiculite, perlite) It is time to transplant this plant into a bigger pot. I don't have anymore of the old soil it is in, and would prefer not to have to buy more. Would it be too much of a shock to mix the organic soil that the plant is already in with the soil-less mix that I am going to make? Please any help/experience I would love to hear!