My First Grow!


Active Member
Hi All,

Finally growing after reading RIU threads and playing with sprouting seeds for a while. Currently running 3 plants under a 600W MH in a 4.5X4.5 tent. My big one is a Nirvana bubblicious(4 Weeks and 4 Days now), the other two were freebies(sprouted 6 days ago). I am running in GH Powergrower buckets powered by an Eco Commercial 3 air pump. An airstone in each res and a couple fans running. I did try 2 exhale bags (LOL), will be removing those and putting in a co2 controller and tank in a couple weeks. Running BC Technaflora - Recipe for success. 800PPM on my big plant.

Noticing some things on my big girl. She is now popping 3 fans per node 2 on one side and 1 on the other. (See pic) Her fans come out in anywhere from 5-10 leaves. Currently has a good root mass in the res and is loving the airstone as most roots are pulling toward the side the stone is on. Drinking about a half gallon of water every 24 hours.

Plan is to veg for another 5 weeks and flower all at the same time. Temps are running 80-85 lights on and 65-70 off, hence the leaf rolling and coming co2 addition. Plan to throw in a couple of those large CFLs in vertically during flower to ensure light penetration.

So far I am learning a lot about how the plants react to nutes, light, heat. Overall I enjoy tending to my plants and will enjoy the smoke when it comes.

Any guesses on yield given my inputs? I'll be sure to update at least once a month.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU mrap, Ya Grow looking good so far man..Final Yield can vary so much?? maybe someone like to take a Stab at this? but for me just too many variables to say..Still New at this myself(1year +) and just coming to end of first Grow that's NOT bagseed.

Hope all goes well for ya




Active Member
Thanks for the warm welcome cc2012. Got a link to that grow? Always interested in other's setup and results.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warm welcome cc2012. Got a link to that grow? Always interested in other's setup and results.
Hiya mrap, when I've checked on my Ladies at 8pm(UK) I will be taking some updated Pics and measuring the Ladies too, kinda turned into Monsters?? only just moved em into Bigger GR for final 2~3wks of Flowering..been battling last few nights with the Mother of Humidity Problems..going to get the Wood I need so I can remove Sheeting against window and sort Ply-board & Batten and make Window box cover with Air IN vent(passive 4")..then gotta sort Exhaust(Ain't going to damage the property) so will take small(Stupid) bit of Glass out from above Door and replace with 6" Outlet then i can rig up tha bloody HUGE Carbon Filter/Fan I bought like ages ago..


This is the Ladies on first night in NEW GR..

mrap looks good mate!

Very clean and tidy, keep it nice like that as best as you can, good job.

That plants leaves look heavy sativa by the looks of it, little curl on the leaves also, make sure your temps stay in the ideal zone, and remember with feeding, less is always more with cannabis!

Stay smart



Active Member
What a difference a couple weeks makes. One little plant bit the dust after growing all f'd up. It was all twisted on one side and only growing on the other. I am not opposed to tossing a lost cause. Also having some issues with the claw due to some slime on my roots. I will pay for not changing that res for the days I let it go. Besides that I have micropore stones in both reservoirs and we are now running Co2 at 1500PPM on a Titan monitor. Co2 in a closed room has definitely given growth a boost but running a closed environment poses some issues with humidity and heat. I bought a dehumidifier but it raises my temps in the 90-100 range, so I am going to get an A/C unit to hold the room right at 83 where I want it and hope the AC keeps the humidity down enough. Anyway, Enjoy the pics! and keep posting, I not done absorbing RIU growing knowledge.



Active Member
Switched to flowering cycle 10 days ago.... Both have sexed female... Yay! Now the bad, I way overfed my tall lanky plant in the back and she curled down hard and showed major nute burn. I have backed off from 900 ppm feedings to 600 last res change and 450 tonight. I pull the res from the 600 feeding and it read 1200PPM def to much food in that hydroton. The stem and roots are showing the stress as well. Hollow squishy stems and root growth is minimal. If needed I will back off further tomorrow. I am giving it a couple more days before I pull the cord.

On the good side of things my other plant which was a strain I knew before starting this grow is showing well. She is 3 feet by 3 feet wide and 33 inches tall. Bud sites are developing everywhere. She is enjoying the feedings at 1200 PPM CO2 at 1500 ppm and temps in mid 80's.

So lesson learned, can't treat them all the same and unknown freebies don't make a grow easier. Enjoy the pics.
