my first grow


Well-Known Member
so yah this if my first grow its not any ordered seeds cuz i wanted to see how well i did before i got some GOOD shit. I started with seeds i just got out of a bag of sum pretty decent middies. They all started in the same pot just in the window seal up until i transplanted them they grew on sunlight alone. after that i set them up in the closet. theres sum pics below tell me what you think the pick on the right is the first day after transplant then the bottom one is one week under the light



Well-Known Member
yah i dont know if thats because i let them veg for waaay to long ( i had a little trouble obtaining a light), or because how they were started or what... i also have no clue why the back two are twice as tall as the front three i mean is that normal to have that much of a difference in height


Well-Known Member
Raise the smaller ones up a bit? My plants are also leggy due to not getting them under a light quick enough.


Well-Known Member
thats weird i just did that right before i saw your post... but yes now the small ones are the same height as the big ones and the lights about 1 1/4 ft away from the tops... how long do you think before they start to flower

boy i hope there all female


Active Member
what kind of light do you have on em? and you can 12/12 them now and they should begin flower soon so you can sex them.


Well-Known Member
edit....I'm a retard that doesn't even remember what movies I've seen....but tis not my fault...its the smoke
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Well-Known Member
lol its Edward Norton as a nazi too..

but yah everything seems to be going good, i think im gonna try using some molasses cuz ibe been hearing rave reviews about that

im definately gonna post more pics once they start getting fuller


Well-Known Member
yeah, sugars will help with terpene production...which gives smell and taste. Just keep those lights as close as you can without burning the plants or getting the canopy too hot.


Well-Known Member
do u have a fan blowing between lights and plants.
do that and put light 1ft away from tops, also u should put fan blowing air on plants to strengthn steams


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i def have the fan going, all day, the leaves are always at a slight ruffle, im afraid of lowering the light though cuz the top leaves kinda look like there wilting from heat it def gets pretty hot under the light thats the first two pics... and yes thats my kitty in the third one


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Well-Known Member
also two of my plants are almost twice as big as the other ones is this common?

the tallest one stands just over 2 ft

while the three small ones are around 14 inches

too my knowledge they are the same seeds and all grew with the same conditions... maybe the taller ones are male?