My first grow

Thanks so much for the reply and I have never heard of silica but def gonna research it now. Also since I am brand new I didn't realize using ro water takes out a lot of minerals or whatever so I need o double up on the cal mag I was told. Thanks so much for the help everyone. I am just trying my hardest to get some quality medicine
Thanks so much for the reply and I have never heard of silica but def gonna research it now. Also since I am brand new I didn't realize using ro water takes out a lot of minerals or whatever so I need o double up on the cal mag I was told. Thanks so much for the help everyone. I am just trying my hardest to get some quality medicine

Just for reference, I use tap water and the light feeding dosage on the bottle was plenty. With RO, you can probably run the heavy feeding schedule BUT... Work your way to that point gradually.

I learned the hard way.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg My bottom leaves are starting this does anyone know why? I have researched and can't figure out why? Any help is greatly appreciated. The other pictures is my top fan leaves and the tips are yellowing os that heat burn
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Some close up pictures of the buds growing in at about week 3. How does everyone think i am doing so far?


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I'm not an experienced grower but your plants looks healthy from what I can tell. From the middle picture however, you seem to have a lot of growth at the bottom of you plants. I also had a lot of lower growth on my first grow and it gave tiny fluffy buds compared to the top growth. It's also a pain to trim. Last time, I removed everything below a certain level and got much larger and denser main colas. I'm going to do this again on my current grow.

Also, don't let those top colas get too close to the light or they will burn! I've done this mistake and lost an entire cola... the side that wasn't burn ended up as crap.
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I am scarred to trim bc so many people say don't but on the other hand you have people saying do. And thanks for the feedback that's exactly what I was wanting is some advice bc this is my first and am still learning
image.jpeg image.jpeg I decided to trim away all the undergrowth even tho I know it's late on two out of the 4 plants in hoping the buds will get bigger
I have another question if anyone can help. I am growing in ffof using a bit of dolomite lime and Azomite. I use the General organics go box and follow all instructions which says no ph meter needed. I Ph my water which I use r/o water and after adding all the nutes the ph is at 5.0 the runoff is at 5.5. My question is why do I have such a low ph and would it be better to use tap water and just let it sit a day or to (to get rid of the chlorine) which has a high ph so my ph would probably even out or keep using the r/o water and somehow bring up the ph? And if so how should I bring up the ph without killing all the organic matter?
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg I think I realized why I was having so many leaves die prematurely. I had the plants to close to my 600w hid and it was just wrecking havoc on the plants overall health. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I have another question if anyone can help. I am growing in ffof using a bit of dolomite lime and Azomite. I use the General organics go box and follow all instructions which says no ph meter needed. I Ph my water which I use r/o water and after adding all the nutes the ph is at 5.0 the runoff is at 5.5. My question is why do I have such a low ph and would it be better to use tap water and just let it sit a day or to (to get rid of the chlorine) which has a high ph so my ph would probably even out or keep using the r/o water and somehow bring up the ph? And if so how should I bring up the ph without killing all the organic matter?

Yeah, pH5.0 is pretty acidic, but seems pretty normal for an organic mix. Most (every?) base nutrient mix will be acid, and RO water (at 0ppm) has no pH buffer. Since you use RO water (presumably at 0ppm), adding fertilizer will produce high pH fluctuations. I don't use RO water but I think that most experienced people using RO water use some kind of pH "up" product.

If you wish to increase pH, try some tap water. Tap water will greatly vary in pH and ppm depending on where you live and the water source. However, they have something in common: Some kind of pH buffering.

And yeah, I have experience in burning one of the biggest top colas by placing it too close to the bulb. It was going on its way to be awesome, but ended up in the trash. Are you sure, the dying leaves is from being too close to the light? Yellowing leaves are usually normal by the middle/end of flowering...
Thanks for the feedback and tbh I am not sure if that's the reason or if it's normal or not because after all this is my first grow but it just seemed I was and am losing a lot of leaves fast.I read a lot on this site and apparently that was way to close haha. so I am hoping that's why. Also I immediately stopped giving grow nutes and switched right to bloom nutes like the box told me where as many people here did it much more gently.I did by earth juice natural ph up and finally have my ph runoff locked in at about 6.5 so I believe I took care of that problem. I have no flash on my phone bc my drunk ass dropped it into a pitcher of beer one night so I am sorry about the picture quality. Anyways I will just keep on posting and keeping looking for advice on here and let everyone know how it turns out. I have had a few issues but overall they smell pretty damn good and am happy there still alive :)
Here is a update on my grow I think I am about week 5 or so into flowering and getting very small airy buds. Does anyone have a suggestion to what I can do to improve size or density etc... I am growing all organic 2 headband clones and two bag seed. Also I took some pictures of the leaves and it looks like a deform you of some sort to me if anyone can help it would be very appreciated. I am using r/o water and general organica go box. On the bright side even tho there very small buds they smell fucking delicious and look dank to me:) any suggestions greatly appreciatedimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg
you have nute burn and from what i can see very poor quality soil
your ph could be out if your following that guide, needs to be 6.3- 7 or you going to get problems

give the plant a flush and she should be fine in a few days
image.jpeg I flushed the two headband plants and started adding molasses. There finally putting on weight and becoming more dense. I have a 30x loupe and one of my plants is further along then the others and having trouble distinguishing clear or cloudy trichomes. When is it recommended I start the two week flush? Once there all cloudy?
your plants plants look great fellow

why do you need to flush the plants ?
just cut the nute back in the last week :)