Well-Known Member
Not to mention it's great for getting the ph up lol
Thanks so much for the reply and I have never heard of silica but def gonna research it now. Also since I am brand new I didn't realize using ro water takes out a lot of minerals or whatever so I need o double up on the cal mag I was told. Thanks so much for the help everyone. I am just trying my hardest to get some quality medicine
heat problem ?
Your temps can go upto 35c without any problems, if you humidty is low add a swamp cooler as this will increase the humidty and decrease the temps
I have another question if anyone can help. I am growing in ffof using a bit of dolomite lime and Azomite. I use the General organics go box and follow all instructions which says no ph meter needed. I Ph my water which I use r/o water and after adding all the nutes the ph is at 5.0 the runoff is at 5.5. My question is why do I have such a low ph and would it be better to use tap water and just let it sit a day or to (to get rid of the chlorine) which has a high ph so my ph would probably even out or keep using the r/o water and somehow bring up the ph? And if so how should I bring up the ph without killing all the organic matter?