Just picked up a box of blood n bone meal, some dolomite lime and some fruit tree spikes for my apple tree outside.
Cant wait to to mix up this batch of soil less mix. How much dolomite lime and meal should i use to what amount of soil.
The bag said use 20kg to 110 Meters sqaured of soil lol
going to use like 10 gallon pots or bigger this time. I want a monster baby lol.
BTW: Just put my 2 little girls into bigger pots, they just out grew the jiffy pellets. Got 2 more in pellets still.
id add a handfull or 2 to a 10 gal, thats a lot of medium so you should be good. put it towards the bottom of the pot if you want it to eat up those nutes later on when she will need it and when her roots stretch for it, she should be pretty good sized by then.??? anyone?
Is Vancouver really full of junkies, or is that just something they show on USA TV to make us feel better about ourselves and our fucked up inner-cities?
Seems like smack-head heaven (if there is a such thing).
an' a cup of that dolomite.
Out of all my subscriptions only 2 people that still post in theres is Cali and Bumps.
Where did everyone go lol. Are they all in tokentalk hah