My first harvest! two plants!

Insfested with catterpillars, this is all that I could salvage from two plants. The rest had catterpillars, their poop, or bud rot from them eating through stems. I wish I could see better, might have caught them when it mattered.


Well-Known Member
So sad to see all that hard work go, I feel for you, next time hopefully you'll be able to catch it before it gets too far.
So sad to see all that hard work go, I feel for you, next time hopefully you'll be able to catch it before it gets too far.
What are your thoughts on using neem oil and catapillar killer bi weekly? Do you use anything for prevention? Besides condoms? hahahaha


Well-Known Member
That sucks man, sorry to see and read that. Atleast you have some more coming along. You can still make some bubble or ice hash outta the scraps though.


Well-Known Member
I use azamax..spraying at intervals and Safer Bt..also spray with garlic/ hot pepper during veg. Do a couple pepper sprays so I don't get resistence to the expensive stuff. In the tent I mix in a no pest strip at times.
I use azamax..spraying at intervals and Safer Bt..also spray with garlic/ hot pepper during veg. Do a couple pepper sprays so I don't get resistence to the expensive stuff. In the tent I mix in a no pest strip at times.
What is safer BT? I know safer is the company that makes it, I have their brand of Ckiller, but I keep seeing BT and can't figure out what it stands for haha


Well-Known Member
AAWWW just smoke it. You know frass is considered a delicacy in Papa New Dehli?:bigjoint:J/K. Man, sorry I should of put a question mark at the end of my post up there and not a period. Didn't mean to sound factual as I have little expierence with bug poop problems. One time I did have dirty buds like the pics I seen of your buds. [the pics with the black dots, frass.] I made ice hash out of it and it worked like a champ. I followed a tutorial on another forum so I don't think I can post it here but the short and sweet of it is.....
Dryed the tainted buds for about 1.5 weeks. The little worms left when the buds were drying. Once dry, I put in the freezer for a few hours. Then I got a large mason jar and filled with water 3/4's of the way full with icecubes in it aswell, the colder the better. Took the buds out of the freezer and added them to the jar full of ice water and blended the shit out of it with a fork, grinding and mashing away. Then I put the lid on and shook that mofo like a mad man for a few minutes. [your breaking the trichomes off the buds.] Then I let sit for an hour or so. Make sure it stays icecold the entire time. After an hour or so all the tricombs that broke off will sink to the bottom and all the green material and shit will float. Skimmed the surface of the shit and poured off the excess water. When down to the nitty gritty I poured the rest in the coffee filter, scraped the filter, dried in the oven at low temp then rolled into a nice big ball of resin.
Not sure the species of your catipillars or thier poop but on mine, the poop stayed floating with the green material. It's worth a shot if you were going to compost it anyway.
AAWWW just smoke it. You know frass is considered a delicacy in Papa New Dehli?:bigjoint:J/K. Man, sorry I should of put a question mark at the end of my post up there and not a period. Didn't mean to sound factual as I have little expierence with bug poop problems. One time I did have dirty buds like the pics I seen of your buds. [the pics with the black dots, frass.] I made ice hash out of it and it worked like a champ. I followed a tutorial on another forum so I don't think I can post it here but the short and sweet of it is.....
Dryed the tainted buds for about 1.5 weeks. The little worms left when the buds were drying. Once dry, I put in the freezer for a few hours. Then I got a large mason jar and filled with water 3/4's of the way full with icecubes in it aswell, the colder the better. Took the buds out of the freezer and added them to the jar full of ice water and blended the shit out of it with a fork, grinding and mashing away. Then I put the lid on and shook that mofo like a mad man for a few minutes. [your breaking the trichomes off the buds.] Then I let sit for an hour or so. Make sure it stays icecold the entire time. After an hour or so all the tricombs that broke off will sink to the bottom and all the green material and shit will float. Skimmed the surface of the shit and poured off the excess water. When down to the nitty gritty I poured the rest in the coffee filter, scraped the filter, dried in the oven at low temp then rolled into a nice big ball of resin.
Not sure the species of your catipillars or thier poop but on mine, the poop stayed floating with the green material. It's worth a shot if you were going to compost it anyway.
That does sound like a way to do it, but we both know that the shit degrades when put in water, so you had shit-hash, not shitty has, but litteral shit-hash, just like cheech and chong smoked Labrador .


Well-Known Member
Na, the bug shit stayed just were it was on the buds. This ''shit'' was like tar, didnt degrade none that I could tell. Either way Im still kicking.You have rolling turds?lol


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on using neem oil and catapillar killer bi weekly? Do you use anything for prevention? Besides condoms? hahahaha
Fortunately of all the yrs I have grown I have never had bug problems.( indoor grow ) so I'm unable to assist on your problem but others who have responded seem to have more of a knowledge than I.
Na, the bug shit stayed just were it was on the buds. This ''shit'' was like tar, didnt degrade none that I could tell. Either way Im still kicking.You have rolling turds?lol
Wtf, you haven't seen cheech and chong?!?!?!?!?!?!
Pedro: Man, what is in this shit, man?

chong: Mostly Maui Waui man, but its got some Labrador in it. Pedro: Whats Labrador? chong: Its dog shit. Pedro: What? chong: Yeah, my dog ate my stash, man. Pedro: Yeah? chong: I had it on the table and the little motherfucker ate it, man. Then I had to follow him around with a little baggie for three days, man, before I got it back. Really blew the dogs mind, ya know? Pedro: You mean were smokin dog shit, man? chong: Gets ya high, dont it? chong: I think its even better than before, you know? Pedro: Uhhh, I wonder what Great Dane tastes like, man.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: yeah bro, I remeber that. Shoot I seen that part recently too, Last week maybe? Had to run out the door though and didnt get to finish watching it. Left when they were in court and Chong drank the judges vodka a little after that clip.
:mrgreen: yeah bro, I remeber that. Shoot I seen that part recently too, Last week maybe? Had to run out the door though and didnt get to finish watching it. Left when they were in court and Chong drank the judges vodka a little after that clip.
Hahaha it's one of their only good movies, most of their other ones I always get distracted through, hahaha I can't really remember them.... My favorite part of the cheech and chong movies is when they are rolling through the border with the truck made of just marijuana and they toss the roach into the car with the nuns so the border patrol thinks the nuns are driving a car made of just pot! When they are driving, part of their car catches on fire near the tail pipe, and a cop pulls them over, but the bud is pressed together so hard that it's like honey oil blowing in the cops face, by the time he gets to the window he's stoned as fuck and asks to take a drink from his coke hahaha