My First Harvest

Power Towel

Thanks everyone! The beer bottle is normal size, it's about 2 inches behind the buds, I think, ,though. Perspective is off. Here is another one with the tape even with the bud on left. A good 18 inches for the left 2. One on right is smaller but way fatter - hard to tell from pics. I DO have more trimming to do - I will do it before the cure.


Power Towel

Somewhat "airy" buds - expected as it's Sativa dominant and CFLs - but surprisingly there was a very dense area, and it got moldy - that's what's in the ziploc. RH was 30-40%, airflow was so-so I guess. I have 2 4-inch fans in the box - may have to "open it up" more somehow. I just hope the mold hasn't infected too many of the jars...



dude this is sick, im so jealous!
so im thinking about planting my first set of 2-3 plants in about a month or so, so i had a couple of questions i hope you could answer for me :)
1. how many plants is that from?
2. did you find out how much it became yet? :)
3. how big was your grow area and what kind of lights did you use? as well as soil/hydro/etc?

would really appreciate it dude, this looks sick, and keep up the good work! :)