my first hydros @ 6-7 weeks *PICS*


Well-Known Member
hey everyone im new to growing and new to the site but have been doing alot of reading tryin to get all info i can to grow good bud

this is my first hydro setup ive made and it seems to be working quite good.
it a simple reservior with an air stone bubbling through it and the roots grow down through perlite into the water.

i live in australia and am growing these outdoors and also have some other plants just in normal pots of soil.

these hydros are now about 40cm high and the roots are probably longer, and think they are on their 7th node and are about 7 weeks old.

wat should i do next??,
1. let em grow and flower with the natural season outdoors
2. move them to my newly constructed indoor fluro setup (2x18W 3000k, 2x18W 6500k - 1.5 foot tubes) and continue to veg (how many hours 18/6? 24/0?) -will moving indoors from outdoors fuk em up??
3. get a 400W HPS which i plan to do soon and flower them now!!!

THANKS :joint:



Asshole Patrol
Plants are looking great!

Tell me though, what are the benefits of an outdoor hydro grow? I dont grow hydro, and I live near Seattle in the states, so growing outdoors is just not an option unless I'm looking for trouble. :-)

Many of the outdoor plants I've seen have been monsters that yield way more than an indoor plant, but I guess I've never thought of whether that's attributed to the grow medium/nutes or the sun.

You should throw all of this info into a grow journal and keep it updated as you go. So far they look very healthy! Great job.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys

well i just started them outside in some little pots of soil after buying a bag of weed that had about 40 seeds in it, after a week or two of mothering them i saw an easy homemade hydro setup on the net and seeing i had everything i would need already i decided to make it. now there atleast twice the size of the plants i left growing in pots.

i think im gona get a HPS setup and get them budding soon though, any thoughts? moving from outdoor to indoor pose any problems?


Well-Known Member
OMG those look great! I have never seen an outdoor hydro grow, looking good. Not sure of the move to inside, I would say you wouldn't run into much trouble if you have the idea grow space. (temp, humidity, light, and ventilation)

GL in the rest of your grow


Well-Known Member
doc im planning on gettin a 400W HPS and moving them into 1.2 cellar kind of thing under my bedroom which is easy access and is quite large. for ventilation im thinking of using a duct with a large 12V computer fan at each end and exhaust air the wall cavity which has an outdoor vent nearby.

i want to keep the plants in the current hydro set up if possible so was wondering if the plants being that close to eachother will cause a problem if i force them to flower soon (bud formation etc)?. and u think they look ready to flower?

can anyone tell what type of strain it is in general, seeing i got the seeds randomly and have no access to internet order seeds being in aus... :cry:
