My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated


Active Member
Ok, I found this PH Meter on ebay for 10 bucks, and I found this TDS Meter on ebay for 8 bucks

Ph meter is a pH-009 IA Pen Type pH Meter Digital Tester Hydro

TDS is a TDS Digital Meter Tester 0~1999 ppm Water Quality Filter Purity P015

Pics below, are these good enough ? if so I will order today



Active Member
I already ordered that same PH tester, and a different TDS meter 0-9999 ppm or something not sure, 20 bucks for both, cant beat it


Active Member
I ordered the damn ph tester from Hong Kong, will be here in 2 weeks! damn, but i ordered the tds from usa, will be here in 4 days, so when i get these meters, what should I be looking for PH wise and PPM wise? and what should i stay below or above or what not


Active Member
Yeah me too had a hassel getting it from the post office. Ph wise anywhere between 6.3 -6.8 is good and ppm it depends on strain but its better to go low than high. I wud say start at 300-400 ppm and see how they like. There clones from a mature plant so the are as mature as the plant you took them from , just smaller so they should be able to handle a decent amount of nutes. Just ry not to hit above 600 right now , maybe they could handle it but i wud start of slow. Take a look at the chart hope it helps.Good Luck.

Happy Growing!



Active Member
Cool, thanks alot, that really helps with that chart, i checked on them last night, they looked good but i had to lower the light, the light was 3ft from the top of the plants, i lowered it down to 2ft from the top of the plants, and the fan i have turned off completely because its like an ice box in that garage, an since the plants have plenty of room around them, i should be okay with the fan off shouldnt I ?


Active Member
No problem anytime , yeah that was good the closer the better just moniter the tops and check for heat stress. Maybe for now you can but you want the fan to circulate the air to give your girls good air flow between them and you want strong stems , maybe consider investing in a space heater if it gets to old in there so you can run your fan.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Here this is good to gage how close to put your lights , now depending on how good your air flow and how cool the enviornment is you may get away with maybe 2-3 inches lower. Good Luck.

Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
My suggestion is to go out and get a 4x4 tent, a 4" inline fan, and a carbon filter.

If all goes well, your going to have a pound of marijuana growing in your garage that people will be able to smell from 3 blocks away...think about it. If your garage stays cool enough you can just intake and exhaust straight from the garage or you can intake from outside which will get your tent nice and chilly during lights on. I'm in socal and right now I'm running my 1000w about 10" away in the center. As little as 6" off-center. This cold canadian air that ripped through here is your friend!

The tent is also going to make much more efficient use of your light than just hanging it in the garage.


Well-Known Member
I hope you live somewhere VERY far from your nieghbors. Otherwise you should practice with tomatoes.


Active Member
Actually, i live in a court, 12 houses total, 11 of these houses in this court also have grow ops going, smell of weed growing is not a problem here if that is what you are referring to?


Well-Known Member
Oh well then yeah, shit that works. I gotta move up north. I just wish I didn't have a career, I daydream about growing pot for living. I just fear it's it's going to become more and more legal, more and more taxed and eventually growers will just be slaves to the state.


Active Member
Ok, ive got some concerns that maybe you guys can help me with, Ive gave them their first dose of nutes (xnutrients lineup, micro, grow, bloom mixture) yesterday, all is well but i noticed a couple things that concern me

1. The tops of the plants look like their turning yellow? what is this? too much heat? not enough heat?

2. a couple of the leafs on some of the plants look kinda droopy, whats up with this?

Ive got some pictures below, they are not that good because of the hps light blinds my camera, but you can still see the plants alright, any help appreciated, thanks!



Active Member
Oh yeah, and since these are indoor, and its pretty cold, do i need to water everyday? thats what ive been doing thus far, a light watering every morning, but its so cold the soil is still a little damp the next day, do i need to water when the soils damp like that?


Well-Known Member
The drooping leaves may be overwatering. It's hard to really tell from the pictures provided. You don't want to be watering everyday. You want the soil nearly bone dry before watering again. How much water do you give it? I have 4gallon pots and I had been giving 16oz to each plant about every 3 days. Just raised it to 20oz., because my babies got bigger. Some people put their finger into the soil up to the middle knuckle and if its dry, water. Although I'm not sure that works well with such a big, tall,pot. Some people lift a dry pot and then lift their other pots to see if its comparable. Others just get a moisture meter. Also, can you get that hps any closer? Your babies look a bit stretched. Other than that, looks great!


Active Member
The light is exactly 2 ft from the tops of the plants, should I go close? yes i been watering lightly everyday but ill skip the watering for 2 days until the soil dries up, i wasnt sure about watering, but the next day after watering the soil has been damp so i guess i should of not watered if the soil was still damp, and what about the tops of the plants yellowing? any suggestions there? and should I turn that fan on now? days are around 50-60 an nights around 30-40, it stays real cold in there most of the time and i usually have the fan blowin around anyway


Active Member
and one more thing, my timer is a piece of crap so Im pickin up a new one today from Lowes, its a digital timer but rated at 600 watts, should i run my 1000 watt hps on this timer? or will it burn my house down?