My first indoor grow.... opinions? Please comment!


Okay so here is my setup:
4 plants. Train Wreck, Lemon Skunk, Ghost and Blueberry
One 400W HPS, 2 shoplights underneath (4 tubes). total 160w extra
5-7 gallon fabric pots.
Miracle grow soil and fertilizer. (all I can afford)
FLOWERING: 4 weeks today. (since switched to 12/12)

These plants vegged from clone for 4 weeks (and were almost waist high in a month and bushy with many colas) I slightly LST'd each plant. They all have several large colas. Plants are about 4 1/2- 5 feet tall already!

What do you guys think? In the first 2 picks you can see the colas are pretty wide. Will they all group up together and get denser as they go along? I can upload more pics.

The second 2 picks are of another plant. (I mixed them all up while replanting like a dummy so dont know which is which) Its pretty stretched with a lot of buds. will they all fill out too you think? They all have a lot of trichomes and snowy already! lol.

Please leave some opinions/comments on if these are looking good for my setup and time into flowering! Thanks! Any advice?



Active Member
Looks awesome man, you should keep updating and let us know the final outcome.


Well-Known Member
Okay so here is my setup:
4 plants. Train Wreck, Lemon Skunk, Ghost and Blueberry
One 400W HPS, 2 shoplights underneath (4 tubes). total 160w extra
5-7 gallon fabric pots.
Miracle growsoil and fertilizer. (all I can afford)
FLOWERING: 4 weeks today. (since switched to 12/12)

These plants vegged from clone for 4 weeks (and were almost waist high in a month and bushy with many colas) I slightly LST'd each plant. They all have several large colas. Plants are about 4 1/2- 5 feet tall already!

What do you guys think? In the first 2 picks you can see the colas are pretty wide. Will they all group up together and get denser as they go along? I can upload more pics.

The second 2 picks are of another plant. (I mixed them all up while replanting like a dummy so dont know which is which) Its pretty stretched with a lot of buds. will they all fill out too you think? They all have a lot of trichomes and snowy already! lol.

Please leave some opinions/comments on if these are looking good for my setup and time into flowering! Thanks! Any advice?
please dont multi-post the same thread :)


I def will. Im just getting the hang of this site, took a bit tho find out how to post a thread and all. Im pretty impressed considering it is my first real grow. I just hope those buds fatten up. It seems that a lot of people rip on Miracle grow for growing but it seems im doing alright I would say? Aaaaaand, a few more pics lol 010.jpg011.jpg012.jpg013.jpg014.jpg


6 weeks or so? Thats good news and something to look forward to! I was wondering about the flowering timeline, important milestones etc, or if its different for every plant. I was worried for a bit, a few days ago I left the lights on for 36 hours by accident. I hope I didnt hermie them lol. But everything is on a new timer and good to go I hope. No nanners yet!


Well-Known Member
6 weeks or so? Thats good news and something to look forward to! I was wondering about the flowering timeline, important milestones etc, or if its different for every plant. I was worried for a bit, a few days ago I left the lights on for 36 hours by accident. I hope I didnt hermie them lol. But everything is on a new timer and good to go I hope. No nanners yet!
usually 6 weeks :) about 2/3 to 3/4 of the estimated time needed for flower :)


sweet. Im thinking i will need to flower for 9-10 weeks by the looks of them. I have a scope ready to check the trichomes.


Active Member
thats a nice grow...but u did say first real grow.......thats a quote from you...with that in mind were there others?....maby its not your first grow....just maby there have been others...possibly fake grows,lol....


Well-Known Member
IMO I think you should take a couple bucks and order like 4oz of Big Bud. My first grow I had half ass equip and poor lighting with almost no air control and grew in MG soil as well and had the same prob with the buds being skimpy. Literally the week after I started using it they made a huge differance. It was only like 6 or 7 bucks w/sh and was enough for 7 plants all the way through flowering. I only used 4ml for every half gallon of water when i watered them. You will be happy you did.


What I mean by "real" grow is that my other grow was rushed, harvested early, and only under fluorescent lighting. Didnt really count in my opinion. I think I will take your advice Overgrown420 and go get some extra bloomer. I am using the miracle grow bloom boost, but it just might not be enough, nor is it specifically for bud.


Well-Known Member
That was basically the same setup I had. I only had 5 26w (= to 100w) cfl's for the 7 plants. The stuff at the home improvement stores is watered down and is designed to be a universal bloom enhancer. The Big Bud and the Bud Ignitor are made specifically for what we're growing. Not only did the bud size omprove bud it got more trics and better smell. Im not saying it'll solve all your probs but as long as everything else it under control it will work.


Mirc Grow Runs Hot & i Dont Suggest it ~ Big Bud Shit is Decent as Well ~
But For Your Next Grow Go Get Fox farm Soil , Gro , bloom , the Earthworm Castings & Guano ( All FoxFArm Line )
Cheapish ~ Works Good & its Easy to Use ~ Pretty Decent Line ~ The Soil & the Casting & The Bomb I Use it In Every Grow
But Looks Good GL