My first indoor with Jamaican


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I am definitly opening this thread to comments, criticisms and advice. I have learned a lot through the years, but am always trying to learn new and better ways to do things.

Now, I was going to start this later, once I organized all my information and pictures, but after I went through and moved my males outside yesterday, I had to share some results.

Its been 52 days since I put my seeds into papertowels. I am 3 weeks into my 12/12 cycle, average height is 13 inches. From 40 original seeds, I have been blessed with 28 females, 5 males, 2 possible hermaphrodites, and one that is yet unknown. I had 4 that didnt sprout, but I also didn't have room in my container.

I have a complete log I've been keeping in excel that I'm going to try to convert and match with the pictures over the weekend. I also have to transplant into bigger containers.

I have been using miracle grow moisture control soil, and sad to say basic miracle grow nutrients under 8, 32w 4ft flouro tubes at 5000k. There is a 12 inch standing fan on the same level as the plants, blowing away from them. The chamber I built is 48" x 40" x 78", and the plants are currently centered under one light with the other beside it slightly higher.

The seeds were brought back from a resort in Negril, Jamaica. I've noticed 3 distinct phenotypes among both males and females. I 3 females and 2 males are very tall and stretched, showing a sativa dominance, and smell mainly of citrus. The rest are shorter, bushier, dark leaved. roughly a 3rd are citrus scented, the rest a blend of citrus and stale sex for lack of a better comparison.

Due to the high number of females, I decided to try a couple of methods. I tied on of the tall ones over to expose more trunk space to light, and FIM'd 6 plants. I do think I messed up by waiting until after sexing to FIM, but I wanted to make sure everything was alright.

I will be saving pollen from all males, and may try to really breed out the taller ones to see how big they get outdoors.

Pictures and better updating and history to come, any advice so far or questions welcome.

Transplanted today into 1 gallon pots and reorganized my grow room to make better use of space. I now have 2 females that will be grown outdoors, if the light shock doesnt kill them. I'm just gonna post some random pictures for now to generate a little attention, but I'll be adding more as I can. These start on april 19th, and have a few days between each ending with today.


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Well, after yesterdays shocks to the plants, they all seem to be recovery well. Yesterday, they were all removed from the room to be watered, and allow me to reorganize and clean the grow room.

In the process of putting everything back in, a light fixture fell ontop of 2 plants. as you can see in the picture below, it supercropped it for me, and they have healed well already.

Several clones were also cut, and appear to be doing fine as well.

I've noticed several odd spots on one plant, but they are confined only to this plant, any adv ice would be much appreciated.

No more left to really update about but a few more pics from birth to now


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It seems as though I am doomed to fail on this grow. I was reorganizing some plants today, just to keep lighting as even as I could, and when I was inspecting one of my taller and more mature specimens, the stem bent and I heard a definite snap, 6 inches below the top. I have a temporary tpe and bamboo bandaid on it, but should I just cut it off?
Well, the top that broke yesterday is still severely damaged, its only holding on by one side, the stem is brok straight through. Hopefully, some tape and a bamboo shoot and it will mend itself.

Watered today, 3 cups of water, with 1tbsp/gal unsulphured molasses to hopefully clean up some of the miracle grow residue. There is a hge difference between last years MG moisture control soil and this years. Last years actually held moisture, the pots planted with brand new from this year.. well, the pots are confusing. They feel and look dry, but the plants love it. When watered, the top layer of soil floats and most of the water pours immediatly out the bottom. The plants are still alive though, so that is a good sign.

All of my seeds were sprouted the same day, and planted the same time, but there are some plants that are an obvious week or two ahead of the others maturity wise which is throwing me off. I understand that the temperature ranges I've been having are a reason why my buds are frosty, as well as the early stage of flowering they are in, but some of these are HAIRY.

Once I get back this afternoon I'll get some more pics up. My phone doesnt zoom, so its a bitch trying to get good porn shots.
Well, the snap has healed. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I'm having issues having the person with the camera here when I am. Buds are filling in nicely, and they are really beginning to show frost, they are gonna be awesome. I'm hoping to get some good head shots up so maybe someone could guess at my time left. I'm guessing 6 -10 weeks, as everything is maturing differently.

In other news, generation 2 has started. I have 12 more seedlings and 6 clones, all 9 days old. I took 10 clones, but lost 4. What I am concerned with is that some clones actually have hairs on them that developed AFTER being cut, they've taken a good root but I don't know if I should even bother vegging them out, or just throw them in the flowering room.

Having a hell of a time building a veg chamber. Missing materials I should have, found out my 3 T12 fixtures all have bad ballasts, so now I need to figure something else out. Anyone with some advice or links to a SMALL veg chamber DIY, I'd appreciate the idea input. Looking to have no more than 1 mother and 10 clones, dirt for now, but hopefully making the switch to rockwool soon.
The males and hermies from the crop. I'm definitly breeding the purple male, but any other suggestions?


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As you can see, starting to frost over very well

Anyone care to take a guess at how much longer? I'm thinking later June maybe early JulyDSCN0170.jpg

Well, my dad can't take good pics apparently. Is this spacing more due to my lighting or just natural? a few are spacing like this, and some others have filled in with mini branches with popcorn buds everywhere

and one more pic to round out the update. comments, questions, criticisms, all welcome and appreciated


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Here are a couple of more pictures. Yesterday, all plants were watered with 3 cups of water. I added a triple phosphate that worries me to two of the plants, as its nondissolvable apparently, so I have phospherous pellets on top of the soil.. Not sure what to do, may flush with water and molasses the next watering. I'll be giving one more heavy dose of miracle grow early next week, then I'm done feeding them unless absolutely necessary. If anyone has some time estimates based on the pics, please let me know asap.


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When I water them in the morning, I'll take some more pictures. Some are definitly getting frosty, others, ehh not so much. But the smells are absolutely mesmerizing. I have noticed some sort of bugs, as leafs appear to have been chewed, but they are on opposite sides of my flowering room. i'm thinking neem oil should help, but i'm sort of scared to try much at the 4.5 week mark
OK, sorry for the delay, but I was on vacation. Today, when I returned it was watering day, so some new pictures.

First, the only female like it, 6610 001.jpg purple hairs. I had 2 others like this that hermied, so I'm happy this one is staying true.

Otherwise, I'm wondering about these plants. they seem to be way more mature than the rest, which are still mostly white hairs. Anyone care to guess how much longer I should let these go?
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Today was their last official feeding, I put 6sp/gallon of MG nutes, and watered 3 cups per plant.


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OK, sorry for the delay, but I was on vacation. Today, when I returned it was watering day, so some new pictures.

First, the only female like it, View attachment 979280 purple hairs. I had 2 others like this that hermied, so I'm happy this one is staying true.

Otherwise, I'm wondering about these plants. they seem to be way more mature than the rest, which are still mostly white hairs. Anyone care to guess how much longer I should let these go?
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Today was their last official feeding, I put 6sp/gallon of MG nutes, and watered 3 cups per plant.

nice, i reckon theyl be some decent fluffy buds.
In hopes of advancement, today I was finally able to add an HID light into the room. Its only 400 watts, but I put it in place where one of the flouro banks was. It was an outdoor fixture that was never installed, the type that shine onto buildings. I have not changed the reflector, but due to weight and space, I took the reflector and bulb out of the airtight housing, and have the ballast and components mounted outside the room. I do understand I'll be rotating the plants around this light, but something is better than nothing.
In hopes of advancement, today I was finally able to add an HID light into the room. Its only 400 watts, but I put it in place where one of the flouro banks was. It was an outdoor fixture that was never installed, the type that shine onto buildings. I have not changed the reflector, but due to weight and space, I took the reflector and bulb out of the airtight housing, and have the ballast and components mounted outside the room. I do understand I'll be rotating the plants around this light, but something is better than nothing.

great, is it MH or HPS, also some pics would be nice :)
I'm sorry, I thought I posted that. It is a 400w Metal Halide. Here are a few updated pics, tomorrow they are due for another watering and crop rotation, so I'll take some more of the ones that are maturing what looks like a week before the rest. Below are the newest pics from this am, just as the lights turned on


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looks good man, if youve got any seeds leftover u might want do them in ur next grow wit some quality genetics and maybe breed them or just compare them. other than that they look good, dont expect a massive yield, but what would you rather have quality or quantity.
Well, I have to admit, I fucked up my pollen collection. When i left for vacation, I forgot to have someone burp the containers, so everything i collected is now moldy and nasty.

Today was another watering day, but there hasn't been much difference so no pics yet. Probably gonna need water again this weekend so I'll take some pics then. I've been rotrating everything as I water because the only way I can water is to pull them all out of the room.

Honestly, I'd rather have quantity at this point, just because I need a new car amongst other things, but quality is always welcome and usually preferred.

I've been growing out another 12 plants, some clones, some seedlings, outdoors for about a month now. They need to be hit with neem oil, but are doing alright. I tried using uncle bens topping technique for 4 tops, but 5 days later, and theres no real expansion like i was expecting to see.

I'm set to harvest 2, possibly 3 plants next tuesday while letting the rest go, probably going to be ready first or second week of July. If i can pull 8oz from the 17 plants going, I'll be happy, although I'm going to attempt to double the output with half the plants soon. Next week is a trip to harbor freight for pumps, ines, drip feeders, and meters. I already have containers and resevoirs, I'm trying to mimic the guy that was pulling an LB a month with ScrOG in mortar boxes, and ideally, by this time next year I should be able to.

the main goal of all of this is to provide myself and my dad with our medicine so we can quit buying it. I'm also looking to keep a steady side income just to help with the shitty economy around here. Its amazing, good weed always sells so high priced, even when there are no jobs to be found in the area.
Well, I have to admit, I fucked up my pollen collection. When i left for vacation, I forgot to have someone burp the containers, so everything i collected is now moldy and nasty.

Today was another watering day, but there hasn't been much difference so no pics yet. Probably gonna need water again this weekend so I'll take some pics then. I've been rotrating everything as I water because the only way I can water is to pull them all out of the room.

Honestly, I'd rather have quantity at this point, just because I need a new car amongst other things, but quality is always welcome and usually preferred.

I've been growing out another 12 plants, some clones, some seedlings, outdoors for about a month now. They need to be hit with neem oil, but are doing alright. I tried using uncle bens topping technique for 4 tops, but 5 days later, and theres no real expansion like i was expecting to see.

I'm set to harvest 2, possibly 3 plants next tuesday while letting the rest go, probably going to be ready first or second week of July. If i can pull 8oz from the 17 plants going, I'll be happy, although I'm going to attempt to double the output with half the plants soon. Next week is a trip to harbor freight for pumps, ines, drip feeders, and meters. I already have containers and resevoirs, I'm trying to mimic the guy that was pulling an LB a month with ScrOG in mortar boxes, and ideally, by this time next year I should be able to.

the main goal of all of this is to provide myself and my dad with our medicine so we can quit buying it. I'm also looking to keep a steady side income just to help with the shitty economy around here. Its amazing, good weed always sells so high priced, even when there are no jobs to be found in the area.

if u grow commercial in the same place u live ur doomed, if my feddy knocks on ur door and ur found dealing its prison, if your growin and dealin ur goin away for a long time, just grow 4 u and ur dad, other than that keep up the good work on the plants and just hope u get good weed.