My first indoor with Jamaican

I don't sell, no one comes to me directly. I've had problems in the past with the feds involving computers, I know first hand how big of dicks they can be. But, theres an ace in the hole as far as growing around here goes. An older friend of mine is actually a narcotics officer, I used to fuck his daughter when we were in high school, and he's always been cool as hell. I've blown lines with him at his kitchen table, and he keeps me out of trouble, as long as I don't get stupid.

That said, my goal, and where I'll stop, is a pound a month eventually.

As far as the plants go, they are still driving strong. I'll be watering again tomorrow, and feeding the ones that are about ready with a heavy shot of molasses. they'll be moving out of the flowering room and into the dark probably Tuesday, then when the soil is good and dry, I'll cut them.

I had another top break on one plant, but instead of taping it like I have in the past, I just took it off and trimmed it up. Its probably 3 weeks early, but smells great and its sticky a hell. Have it sitting out drying now, still pretty wet, so no sample unfortunately.
ur plants are great and all, but seriously, im warning you now, if you dont have the balls to pull the trigger when a deal goes sour, ur gna b fucked, do what u want its ur choice, but im tellin u now that commercial growin aint a game and no 1 feddy friend will stop the shit from hittin the fan.
What you say is true, but I have no hesitation. I've been in this game about 13 years as a buyer and seller, at times in MASSIVE volumes. I had problems with people thinking they could rob us, but no one has been dumb enough to try it again. I'm known for my bad temper and creative ways of sending messages, and I've been in and out of trouble for the messages I've sent.

The commercial scale will come when medical is opened in my state, and i can supply or run a dispensary, until then, theres no real problems as far as civilians go and no desire for big quantity. I smoke an oz a week, my dad maytbe 2 oz a month, so the 10oz that would be left isn't worth anyones trouble.

thats still a ways down the line though. I really wanna get setup to do a monthly lb, but I gotta finish this first indoor crop, correct my mistakes, and go over all my information for another thousand times to make sure I'm optimum. I almost miss outdoors growing, almost. If people would be nice enough to stop their males from spreading, I'd stick with it, but I hate seeds so much.

As much as I hate to say it, heroin has helped my area out as far as bud goes. The cops and teachers and authority figures are more focused on slowing or stopping the heroin epidemic here than anything else, because its out of hand. Hell, its easier to get H than herb in most high schools and middle schools in the area. But the junkies and their thefts stay in the city, because they don't come back from the country.
Well, I was planning to water on Sunday, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to wait until Monday. Most plants were thoroughly dehydrated, so they got their standard 3 cups, and 3 more today. I decided to leave one that initially appeared ready for harvest in the chamber, but pulled the second one and have placed it in a cool, dark room. Its been about 30 hours, and oddly, it seems to have gained moisture. I did NOT water it with the rest, but the soil seems to be holding moisture. I was expecting to see the leaves wilt or color change, but it hasn't happened yet, so I may just chop it when I get home from work tomorrow, or it may wait a little while longer. Any opinions on this would be helpful and appreciated. The hairs are mostly changed, and the leaves look amber to the naked eye where tey are covered in trichomes.

My temps have broke the threshold, at light/ceiling height, I am seeing an average of 92*F at 8 hours of light time. I have no CO2 running, and aside from 3 plants I assumed rootbound in their party cups, they seem to be enjoying it. 2 plants seem severely lacking, but I think as the room thins in population, they will respond better in a longer flowering period.

The seedlings and clones outside are progressing well. I am using UB's 4 cola topping technique on them, and leaving them outdoors until the flowering room is completely empty. 2 have been topped so far, 1 last week that has recovered well, and one friday that is showing good signs. I'd love to switch them to rockwool, but I won't be ready for hydro when the chamber empties, so I guess I'm stuck using soil again. Its hated on, but I'll probably be using MGG moisture control again. Its worked alright for me, and the only place around that sells FFOF wants 35$/bag. For the cost of 2 bags of FF, i'll have the 7 I'll need for a full run in MG soil. I will be fertilizing them again, and getting some pics up soon. So far, they've had one 1/8th strength dose of MG, as seedlings, once the clones showed they were living, so like 3 weeks ago. I'm going to have to get them out of their 6 inch pots soon though as well, probably next week.

On a side note, I've noticed very odd leaf patterns such as 3 bladed leaves, and smooth edged leaves, as well as sugar leaves growing at all the branch spots on the clones. Is this normal for cloning after sex was found, or is something really weird with these plants?

looks nice, remember what i told u, u seem to be too nice to sell in large qauntitys, ive done and still do very big deals and very small deals, when i meet someone who wants a half o i have no reason to be scared and at the most i will carry a knife if they are really dangerous, when its a big deal i.e 25 keys (and yes i have done deals this big and bigger) i dont have a doubt in my mind that the buying party will try to rob us for the product, its not a joke, do lil 0s and shit thats minor, do big deals and u will have alot of problems in life, my bredren who im livin with has a nasty history with trident so believe me when i say that this stuff can get u in alot of trouble.
I learned those lessons when I was selling blow. I didn't do it, so it was almost all profit, but I made big deals. For the most part, who I dealt with I grew up with, but every now and then things went shady fast. My old roommate takes care of the business now, so it's his problem, but all we fuck with now are shroomies and herbs.

I would love to get in to growing shrooms, I'm afraid I'd eat them all though.

as far as being too nice, I have no need to be an internet tough guy. I want help and advice from you guys, so I play nice and bite my tongue. Besides, the threads that turn into bitchfests get really annoying when you're looking for information. IRL, I'll take you out if I feel threatened, but I've been called sociopathic, because for the most part I regard humans as another species of animal. Nothing special, and not deserving of respect. Stupidity should be punished, and stealing from me is very stupid
I learned those lessons when I was selling blow. I didn't do it, so it was almost all profit, but I made big deals. For the most part, who I dealt with I grew up with, but every now and then things went shady fast. My old roommate takes care of the business now, so it's his problem, but all we fuck with now are shroomies and herbs.

I would love to get in to growing shrooms, I'm afraid I'd eat them all though.

as far as being too nice, I have no need to be an internet tough guy. I want help and advice from you guys, so I play nice and bite my tongue. Besides, the threads that turn into bitchfests get really annoying when you're looking for information. IRL, I'll take you out if I feel threatened, but I've been called sociopathic, because for the most part I regard humans as another species of animal. Nothing special, and not deserving of respect. Stupidity should be punished, and stealing from me is very stupid

if u think ur hard enough then do it, trust me once uve been robbed ull be robbed again, know who ur dealin to, know where thay jam, know bout there family, know everything u need to hurt them if shit goes wrong, hasnt happend to me so far, make sure ur guns are at least visible, they will know u mean bussiness and not to be fucked wit.
if u think ur hard enough then do it, trust me once uve been robbed ull be robbed again, know who ur dealin to, know where thay jam, know bout there family, know everything u need to hurt them if shit goes wrong, hasnt happend to me so far, make sure ur guns are at least visible, they will know u mean bussiness and not to be fucked wit.

Its not a matter of being hard or becoming a kingpin, or anything other than growing great weed to share with family and friends. People have respect around here. Everyone I personally encounter, I've known for years. Who they deal with, don't know me. I was robbed a few times in the past, one time involving an ounce, my head unit, and all my cds, and a few hundred in cash out of my car. I stole back from him his canine teeth. The only people who aren't afraid to fuck with me are my friends who know me. I'm naturally intimidating looking, I'm a big dude, my face naturally looks pissed off even when I'm not, and my reputation usually proceeds me. I was the crazy one in high school (they actually thought I was gonna pull a Columbine), the partier in college, but I was always known to command respect. You don't have to like me, just show me respect, and I treat people the same way.

I do have firearms though, and I do carry one constantly, but thats because I'd rather have it and not need it. It is also well known that myself and my dad are avid hunters and gun collectors. Theres more than enough fear to keep problems with civilians away. And as far as police go, they get their donations every year, I go the speed limit, and I don't cause any problems unless absolutely necessary, and they leave me alone. Their busy solving problems in the cities.

^^^^^^I typed that up hours ago before work and forgot to hit post. Now, I have just finished trimming the first plant. I found seeds, from an indoor growroom. While I admit, I didn't catch the hermies immediatly, I never saw an open pollen sack. I must now find a better way to filter the air that goes into the growroom other than back to back furnace filters.

I'm taking a shot in the dark at weight, but less than 7g dry weight after i get rid of the major branches I left to hang it by. Hanging on dental floss, inside a carboard box with the lid open. When I find my 4 inch computer fans, I'll wire one into the bottom, but its under my bedrooms exhaust fan with the top open. I'll post pics when I can use the camera that zooms. Stupid Palm Pre, does everything under the sun, but no zoom on the camera.
Its not a matter of being hard or becoming a kingpin, or anything other than growing great weed to share with family and friends. People have respect around here. Everyone I personally encounter, I've known for years. Who they deal with, don't know me. I was robbed a few times in the past, one time involving an ounce, my head unit, and all my cds, and a few hundred in cash out of my car. I stole back from him his canine teeth. The only people who aren't afraid to fuck with me are my friends who know me. I'm naturally intimidating looking, I'm a big dude, my face naturally looks pissed off even when I'm not, and my reputation usually proceeds me. I was the crazy one in high school (they actually thought I was gonna pull a Columbine), the partier in college, but I was always known to command respect. You don't have to like me, just show me respect, and I treat people the same way.

I do have firearms though, and I do carry one constantly, but thats because I'd rather have it and not need it. It is also well known that myself and my dad are avid hunters and gun collectors. Theres more than enough fear to keep problems with civilians away. And as far as police go, they get their donations every year, I go the speed limit, and I don't cause any problems unless absolutely necessary, and they leave me alone. Their busy solving problems in the cities.

^^^^^^I typed that up hours ago before work and forgot to hit post. Now, I have just finished trimming the first plant. I found seeds, from an indoor growroom. While I admit, I didn't catch the hermies immediatly, I never saw an open pollen sack. I must now find a better way to filter the air that goes into the growroom other than back to back furnace filters.

I'm taking a shot in the dark at weight, but less than 7g dry weight after i get rid of the major branches I left to hang it by. Hanging on dental floss, inside a carboard box with the lid open. When I find my 4 inch computer fans, I'll wire one into the bottom, but its under my bedrooms exhaust fan with the top open. I'll post pics when I can use the camera that zooms. Stupid Palm Pre, does everything under the sun, but no zoom on the camera.

lol i like u, if u can truly trust the people ur sellin to then do it, i thought you were hopin to do full commercial grow ops, which no matter what anyone says is not a walk in the park, every time i hear a helicopter i imagine 1 of our ops bein raided, if its just family and friends do it, america seems to be a good place to be a gun nut, over ere if ur even suspected of havin a gun u get raided, if u get seen with one in the street, they call an armed response unit and ur shot dead, no questions, i keep my tings hidden and only revealed and/or used when absolutly neccessary.
OK, today was watering day again, so time for more pictures. I'll post the note worthy ones, then just through the rest on.

LST is working out alright, just wish I could pull part of it back in 62110 012.jpg

Kinda hard to see, but this plant is actually bending due to the weight of the cola. I wish I could say it was due to its massiveness, but I think more due to the weak main stem. 62110 008.jpg

This is the only plant doing this, and even on the forum, the only one I've seen thats leaves are all raising up towards the light, its done this its whole life. This plant was actually removed from the chamber today and placed into darkness until after work tomorrow.
62110 005.jpg62110 013.jpg

Another one bendind from weight 62110 002.jpg

Inside the chamber 62010 005.jpg

I'm going to say another 2 weeks for everything thats left in the room, bringing it to almost 11 weeks of flower. Unless someone here says any different, or they miraculously change overnight.


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Well, I have harvested this first batch. I wound up with 8oz wet from 16 plants, just under 2oz dry n cured. It looks ugly, but smokes tastes and smells amazing. This week I will be setting up hydro and getting the next generation started with a better system, better nutrients, and better lighting.