My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.


I am going to use this Thread as kind of a journal for my grows... I think it can help me improve over time as well as get advice and provide data on my particular techniques in real time. I plan on updating it every three days so the results are more apparent and the thread is not overpopulated with useless pictures, that being said I am going to post the first pics I took which were 11 days in vedge.



And here we are on the 14th day of vedge.
0728100058a.jpg0728100057a.jpg0728100057.jpg0728100058.jpg0728100058c.jpg0728100058b.jpg I put the three space queens on "stilts" and lowered the light a bit to help them get up to the canopy since the diesel trains are now trying to stretch over the completely... Trimming may be in order.


Ok, came home to find that the larger guys had gone off the wagon... Even the Indica strain (Odyssey) looked a bit veggy, when I took them out to trim them I nearly shit a brick at how thick they were... Trimmed WAY down, took all the lower fan leaves off and opened things up big time. I hope I did this right, going with my gut here and my gut said to many leaves crowding. I took off a few branches here and there as well.
Please help if you have any beneficial information, I want to be taught.


Slowly pushing them into flower so as not to shock them as well as let the smaller ones catch up... I have repositioned them from in the photo and it looks like 2 of the space queen are definitely going to make it... Not sure about the little guy.
I am also now using the full 1000W to get the penetration I need for the little guys.
The light is getting to the stalks and helping them to thicken up after I trimmed. The plants seem to have healed fairly well... The white widow is a monster bushy little fucker.


Monday is day 1 of flowering, I am still running pure water through them to flush out the last bits of vedge chem... Don't want any of that in there while we are flowering.


Fed them about 1 liter each of some 1/2 strength supernatural bloom terra before they went to bed on their first night of 12/12, I cycled the light down 1 hour a day. 8 of them are going to be moved to another 4X4 tent with another 1000W. The reason for this is that I feel I can half this crop and still get a similar yield but of better quality, which is foremost on my mind. The other 8 will be flowered by a friend, I am keeping 2 diesel train, 2 odyssey, 2 white widow and 2 space queen.
I am considering taking the smallest space queen and turning it male for its pollen and then pollinating one of the white widow buds for White widow X Space Queen.

Here are some pics, just gave them a bit more food before bed.
Its clear to me that I am an indica man... The short bushy plants really fit better with my growing style. You can see how the diesel train is reaching for space... Soon it will have it.


So I removed all of the Train wreck X Sour Diesel as it was going to choke out everything else in there... I will post pics of them flowering later at a friends spot.
I fed them all 1 gallon of water, its a bit much but then they are pretty thirsty as they absorbed most of the water. Pics in two days.


Ok, now I need some help. First off I noticed my leaves are a bit dry and starting to curl a wee bit on the edges, this is because I had them on a stringent water diet but like I said I just fed the hell out of them so hopefully that addresses that issue.
I am finding a few leaves here and there with some brown spots on them... Almost looks like mites but maybe a fungus? I would be surprised if its mites cause I am pretty sure the ladybugs are cannibalizing each other... But you never know.
Here is a pic.
0804100403.jpg Ok, here you can see one of the little marks... There arent many so maybe the ladybugs are getting most of them? need to work on my intake filtration.0804100035.jpgAs you can see there is allot more room now.0804100406.jpgHere is one of our mighty warriors at work. 0804100034.jpg These trainwreck came out of the room, I wanted to keep that short bushy odyssey in the front but don't want to sacrifice the room for the health of all the plants. "You don't grow the plant, the plant grows itself... Your job as a grower is to provide the best possible environment for your plant to grow in." And you can quote me on that.0804100404.jpgNow this is interesting, I have actually seen this once before and I am not sure what it is exactly, BUT it is NOT water OR nutrients, it is watery but oily at the same time and secretes in small dots which gather into little puddles... They just started to pop up as I went into flower and I think it dries up into a light white powder on the leaves... I am really worried about mold or fungus! It has been a bit moist in there so after I flooded them I scooped all the overflow out... I may get me a pump to clear out the drain pan when I water. I have also reduced the amount of plants in there by 1/2 so i think that will help dry things up some as well. I am also going to look into some activated carbon sheet to put over the intake filters. Hopefully these steps will stop the problem.0804100402.jpg Here is the curl that's going on with some of the leaves. I think this was from a lack of food or cold maybe? Please take a look and offer advice.


After some further investigation I am thinking condensation on the little puddles... Which means its way to humid. I will be picking up a humidity/temp gauge tomorrow. Will be addressing this problem in short order.


Well-Known Member
White Widow is a Magnesium whoreeeee!!! jsut by experience and what ive read so watch out for the...and when my kc 36 leaves were dryin out on the sides it was because of me not watering enuff...over water plant will drooop like a bitch... and if the leaves curl upward like a spoon there way to dry they do this becasue when outdoors plants try to collect water.. ill be watching this grow goodluck manggg


Ok, cut the crop basically in half... Hooked up another fan and I am now routing air directly into the room from outside. I got the temps at 77F and 53% humidity with the lights on, I run a 6pm-6am light cycle. Its much dryer in there now so I am thinking that was a large portion of my problem.
I will be sure to keep an eye on the temps and humidity as my gauge has one of those data trackers.
Going to start feeding them more too :P


0806100126a.jpg0806100127b.jpg0806100126b.jpg0804102008.jpg0806100127.jpg0806100126.jpg0806100125.jpg0806100127a.jpgTemps never went over 78F all day, its safe to say that my tent is within 5F-10F of ambient temperatures with the light on... Cant do much better than that without phase change so I am pretty stoked. The second fan is on a speed controller so its pretty quite, I toggled it to match the sound of the other fan and its been perfect.
Flowering day 5.


Also, Removed all of what looked to be powdery mold? :( White dust gathering in small spots on the leaves. Could this be nutrient I spilled down there? Could it have been nutrient that evaporated? Hopefully this does not continue to be a problem... Does anyone know of any non toxic organic ways to deal with powdery mold if it does come back up?
All of the affected regions were on the lower portions of the plant, the upper sections seem unaffected.


Ok, this is definitely powdery mold :( So the plants have probably been infected for several weeks... I am going to try and pick something up for it on Monday. Hopefully it does not get too bad by then :\ I'll post picks Monday after I apply some solution. Luckily they are just into their flowering so it shouldn't be that bad spraying them down and fixing the problem now rather than later. Does anyone know of anything I can add to give them a bit more defence? I dont want to have issues with fungi or mold again.

Current plants are a regiment of Rhino Skin and serenade for the leaves.


Ok, here is the rundown... I took out allot of leaf, everything I saw that even had a hint of mildew, plus some just to get better ventilation. I am quickly learning that there is a "just right" amount of veg to light ratio, I spent everal hours trimming and managed to take the bottom 1/3rd of foliage out, because these buds usually aren't the best and I prefer to give that nutrients to the desired product. I also spent some time "engineering" the plants to get the maximum amount of photosynthesis to the bud sites and to the lower areas of the canopy. The whole crop was doused in serenade, have not seen any more mildew yet but I am going to try and pick up some Rhino Skin tomorrow for the Magnesium Silicate.


No Rhino skin yet, but soon! Luckily there has not been any more sign of mildew, but I am certainly not going to ignore that it happened... I can learn from this and prevent it in the future. I hit the plants with a half gallon of full strength bloom tonight so we will see how they react.
Pictures as promised.
0809102149.jpgUnder the Metal Halide so you can see the color... I like to let them bask under a 250W metal halide when I feed them.0809102148.jpgThen its back inside for the full 1000W HPS0809102310.jpg White Widow.0809102309.jpgSpace Queen 0809102310a.jpg Odyssey.
Flowering end of week1.


Almost 420 views... smokin a blunt to the face of some of this odyssey, quite delicious tasting (in my top 10 for flavor) it gets a 9 for looks, some purple as well. Apparently a friends friend sold these clones to the club I bought them from and I was able to procure an ounce of it to smoke on (All legal of course) 0811100428.jpg0811100427.jpg0811100426.jpg
In the background you can see the blunt roach from the beginning of this post... which I am now smoking. The smell very sweet and fruity. Perfect density, too dense and you lose space for tricromes. If you cant tell from the shitty pics its got bright orange and red hairs with frosty white patches and lime green with purple spots... Hope mine come out this nice.