My first indoors, 1000W HPS... Diesel Train, Oddysey, Space Queen, and White Widow.


Holly shit! I think I may have inadvertently stumbled upon a way to make really a very pure THC powder while making hash tonight... Take a look at the white powder on the razor blade. 0812100931a.jpg0812100931.jpg that is the runoff from pressing the water out of the bubble hash below it, I pressed the last bits of water out of the hash using a glass mason jar and my thick glass desk. I have a 150W light on my desk that dried up all the water leaving this residue behind. I just smoked it and the effects were instant... Very HIGH high... Mass production would be difficult and costly. I used dried cured buds to make to make the hash.


:shock: 0814100547.jpgSpace Queen0814100546a.jpgWhite Widow0814100546.jpgOdyssey0814100559.jpg0813100435.jpg0813100241.jpg0814100545.jpg0814100559a.jpg:o
Flowering day 11.
Now at time and a half recommended strength terra bloom with just the tiniest bit of burn on the very tips, I am also using full strength Silica Blast with this. The temps stay in the 72-78 range which has allowed me to feed so heavily without burn, guestimation is around 1300/1400ppm with Ro Filtered water. I can test it tonight when the lights come back on. This thread is about to get real crackin :P



Well I got a little nutrient burn as the heat picked up. I am on day 19 of flowering and the pm is coming back, I am cutting out all the vegetation with even a hint of mildew , re applied serenade, still feeding silica blast. I am going to borrow a sulfur burner from a friend tomorrow and handle this shit once and for all. Also going to do a deep clean with bleach on the room and surrounding area.



Ugh... I may have nuked these with the sulfur, the leaves all curled up and everything looks all wilted... They are sleeping now, I am going to wait till the light comes back on to have another look but I am really not happy with the results.
I did not use much sulfur, maybe 2-4 grams for 15 minutes? I did not think that would be too much.


This whole crop is dead after using the sulphur burner.... not sure why, used about 2 table spoons of sulphur for 15 minutes and all the leaves curled up and fried...
I took most of the dead leaf off which was pretty much everything (No seriously, each plant has maybe 10 leaves?) I will be surprised if they live through the sleep, but what the hell lets experiment with it...
There is more than enough actual bud on these guys to support photosynthesis if buds can in fact provide enough photosynthesis to support the life of a cannabis plant at this age (Not likely) as I am absolutely sure there is not enough leaf left to do the job.


Well, I harvested 1.2lbs of dank from this crop... Very little PM to speak of, grew "just fine" without any leaves BUT I did notice that instead of the kaylix expanding it just grew allot more of them... Wierd, but dank none the less.