My first Infraction

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not pointing the finger at anyone here but if you think this site sucks for rules just try the others. i use a few others and feel blessed to get a warning on here because you wont on the ones i use.
my opinion is it gives us a better group of growers, at least ones that are here to grow and help others learn. not socialize, i thought thats what chat sites were for.

way to go roll it up, it`s about time
I'm sorry to hear about this and I don't know each other that well, but,I understand everything you say is in good humor.That's why I liked this site....its the only forum I go to.Because of the unique characters I saw.And I felt accepted as well, potty mouth and all.Sometimes there's a jerk on here, but I've seen it handled quite well by the members of riu.I think this has made everyone a little fearful of posting.Everyone is reserved today.
Well they must be serious bout what they said cause I got an infraction for cussing.........Its kinda sad in all honesty....I have 3 kids and I use this sight to escape reality a bit....Maybe I tend to go overboard but it is all in good fun...........I have one question........As an elite member if I get booted am I elgible for a refund? My kids need to eat:hump:

Refer to the RIU Censor thread and thats what I got in trouble for.....because I stated that I doubt they(RIU) care if we cuss.......that they were prolly just trying to weed out the a-holes(ya know the people that verbally attack everyone) and I concluded by telling everyone to F&^% off with my sarcasmic :mrgreen: smiley at the end..........and I was infracted for Innappropriate language which doesnt make sense to me because he specifically stated that toke n talk and polotics will remain as is and the thread was in the toke AND talk section..........It's all good, it just doesnt make any sense to me.....kinda child imo to post pics of all your illegal plants(most people) and get in trouble for dropping an F-bomb:confused: Its like they trying to live in a PERFECT yet illegal world.........I guess I didnt think it was as serious as it is but I guess I realize it know.........I want to know what the best grow site is right now if this one isnt? Rollitup specifically stated that if we as the communtiy want to be the best sight then we need to act in a better manner............Please tell me what sight is better than this one?
Either way I am done explaining this, swearing makes the site look trashy and in turn you look trashy. All i am trying to do here is make the site better, if you dont like it well I am sorry, the X button in the top right of ur screen is always there.

The swearing rule is trivial and is meant to stop trashing each other, but you cant segregate one person swearing from another...... honestly guys.
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