MY FIRST JOURNAL: G13 Pineapple Express, CH9 Aroma and CH9 Humboldt (400w) MOTHERS!

Dirt Bikin Buds

Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! It's been way too long since I've been on here. I moved and have been settling in and fixing things a lot. Now that I have been here for a few weeks I should be able to get on here more often.

Both P.Exp are getting some size and the Humboldt isn't too far behind. One of the 2 original (accidental) clones survived. I have 4 fresh Humboldt clones from the topping and I will be taking a few from each P.Exp tom. I may post my cloning methods(w/ pics) tom if I feel up to it. I have had a great success rate, it's easy and cheap.

The Humboldt is in the regular, white, 5 gallon bucket and the other 2 are Pineapple Express.



Well-Known Member
Looks good man, subbed and repped. Got some CH9 humbolt coming so definitely want to watch this grow.


Well-Known Member
Where's the beef??? Apparently he been smokin' too much of his own product :) Curious to hear how the Humbolt turned out.

Dirt Bikin Buds

Well-Known Member
If anyone is still sub'd. Pineapple express is(still) amazing and Humbolt was horrible. These are the original 3, grown LST and under a wire cage.
