My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
ha ha ha na, we don't need to worry about that with natty. He's on our side. He's a good youngin'. LOL Natty's quite mature for his age....either that or I'm quite immature......or both....probably both.


Well-Known Member
ooooo seeeee you probably should post that considering you are suppossed to be over 18 to use this site...just forewarning


Well-Known Member
Why yes. Yes they have.

Bajamed 1 is about 1.5" tall now, #2 is still straggling, but coming along, and #3 has almost passed up # 1.


Well-Known Member
wow that's cool! I finally found JH2 this morning, new pics are up :D

I can't wait what those strains are, whatever they are, they won't disappoint


Well-Known Member
Ok, so Bajamed #1 was the 1st to sprout, is a lighter green color, ans is super hairy already, also it has started growing it's 2nd set of real leaves! Bajamed #2 is a straggler, she finally started to open up today, and you can itty bitty real leaves popping out. Bajamed #3 sprouted about a day after #1, but has quickly caught her in height, # 3 is a very dark green color, and is also very hairy? I wonder if all seedlings are supposed to look like they are covered in trichs?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so Bajamed #1 was the 1st to sprout, is a lighter green color, ans is super hairy already, also it has started growing it's 2nd set of real leaves! Bajamed #2 is a straggler, she finally started to open up today, and you can itty bitty real leaves popping out. Bajamed #3 sprouted about a day after #1, but has quickly caught her in height, # 3 is a very dark green color, and is also very hairy? I wonder if all seedlings are supposed to look like they are covered in trichs?
Look at the list of possibilities these seeds can be, whoever the grower was is not disclosing the genetics, all I know about him through our budtender is that he is very old and asks him to return any seeds he gets, he's very anal about his seeds getting out in the open. Good thing our budtender is cool as hell :D I doubt you can walk into any collective and ask for seeds they find


Well-Known Member
hmm that sounds really interesting. I hope it turns out to be something really WHITE RYDER or


Well-Known Member
bill, let's see some updated pics of the bajameds, I'm curious to see where they are at compared to JH2
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