My First Legal Medical Grow

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Silent Running

Active Member
I know the setup looks extremely Mcgyverish, but I will have it fixed up as soon as I have the $$$. Just had the car take a crap on us, so now we have to pay money to get it fixed, that we had alotted for other things. Shitty.
That's how it normally goes for me. Set aside money for one thing, something comes up that is more important. Loving the querkle.


Well-Known Member
Bill, maybe we can put that extra 400w hps I have in your shed? I can ask my buddy if you can use it to finish a cycle

purple kush16

Active Member
Hey man I need a little help! Today is day 12 for my TWO autoflowering AK/Blueberrys's they dont look as bigg as yours... My light have been on 24hr light but lastnight I swatched them to 18/6 hopefully this will help!! Idk if its just the strain or what! tell me what you think I will got post more pics!!

Silent Running

Active Member
Hey man I need a little help! Today is day 12 for my TWO autoflowering AK/Blueberrys's they dont look as bigg as yours... My light have been on 24hr light but lastnight I swatched them to 18/6 hopefully this will help!! Idk if its just the strain or what! tell me what you think I will got post more pics!!
Kept my girls on 20/4 and they got bigger than the first one I did with them on 24/0. Low ryders though, so the strain might have a little something to do with it. Did you ever get the other light setup? I thought I read you were under normal cfl tubes...not HO T5 or T8s. Maybe I am thinking of another grower though.

Silent Running

Active Member
Nah, I was being serious. I think it is great and I'm enjoying watching them grow. It's really neat to see how different strains grow and respond to techniques/environment.


Well-Known Member
Post a pic of how wide the biggest bajamed is bill so we can compare it to JH1, they're about the same age I think

Silent Running

Active Member
I think you should start a thread just on body painting, lol.
LOL! I totally missed that comment the last time I checked the boards. Funny you should mention that. I have a whole photo shoot of me being airbrushed as a cheetah for Halloween a few years back. Hmm, maybe I'll get airbrushed as a white widow in full on flower this year. LOL.
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