My First Legal Medical Grow

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Active Member
Please please let me know how it works. I haven't been able to get any cuttings to root because it is soooo freakin hot during the day. I have solved that problem by moving most of the plants outside, but I can't clone outside cuz the wind blows my dome off. Ne way, please let me know, cuz I have everything I need to build one, I think. Also, how far in the water do you have them, and do I use a rooting powder like schulz or supernatural like I would dip the cutting in, or is there a special one. Also, I have some hydronutes, I could check them and see if any of them has a rooting compound and just use a little of that, right?


Well-Known Member
Please please let me know how it works. I haven't been able to get any cuttings to root because it is soooo freakin hot during the day. I have solved that problem by moving most of the plants outside, but I can't clone outside cuz the wind blows my dome off. Ne way, please let me know, cuz I have everything I need to build one, I think. Also, how far in the water do you have them, and do I use a rooting powder like schulz or supernatural like I would dip the cutting in, or is there a special one. Also, I have some hydronutes, I could check them and see if any of them has a rooting compound and just use a little of that, right?
Honestly, this is my first go at it, so if it does work, I will for sure let you know. The stems are about 1 " in the water, and I just used a powder rooting hormone that I got from Home Depot. However from what I understand, you don't need to put anything in the water, and they still will root. I also read that since they are in the bubbler, they don't really need a humidity dome... I made Bajafox a cloner almost exactly like this one, but bigger, and he is 3 days ahead of me, but from what he has said, the cuttings are still nice and green, no roots yet, but they should form soon.


Well-Known Member
You can see pics of mine from yesterday, still very very green, like they were still on the plant. Mine are also about an inch below the water.

Silent Running

Active Member
It looks awesome Bill. I like the one you made with baja too. Question: Would a flat air stone sitting on the bottom give you more bubbles and cover more area / oxygenate the water better? Only reason I ask is that I picked up the 5 1/2" flat air stones at Wally World for my dwc and I have one left over that I am thinking of using to make a cloner with myself.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it really matters what size airstone you use, Mine is the little ball looking one, baja has a 12" air stone, so i guess it's all preference. My container is small, so i figured i didnt need a big airstone.

Silent Running

Active Member
The reason I had asked was because the little round one like you have is much cheaper and if I can get away with using something like that in the cloner...yay! lol I know that, unlike dwc, you don't need it splashing the roots/stems since they are actually submersed. answered the question. Thanks! ;)


Well-Known Member
Okay, so it has been a couple of days since I uploaded some new photos, so time for a little update.


One of the side colas

Another one

Main cola





From this:

To this:

In about 3 weeks.




Querkle on the right, Bubba on the left:



Well-Known Member
On another note, I started making some colloidal silver tonight, since the cloner works, I will be spraying my Sour Diesel tomorrow, and see if I can get some bananas to pop out. I will try and see if I can get some feminized Sour D crosses.

We have the potential for the following:

Platinum Sour
Sour Odyssey
Sour Bubba
Sour Querkle

I also got 2 of the following seedlings: Alien Dog V.2 from Cali Connections, plus 4 more Sour D seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Hope it works!

I topped JH1 this morning and put the top in the cloner. I'm hoping to get my seeds today so I can start a new batch now that my veg tent is free


Well-Known Member
Im so fucking pissed/upset right now, my querkle is infested with tiny caterpillars, eating at my buds... I'm about half way through flowering right now, and I have no clue what to do???
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