My First Legal Medical Grow

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Have a blunt ready so we can blaze it in the parking lot in my car after the baby comes!!!! Keep me posted bro!!! God bless your family and good luck bro!!!


mother fuckin shit. im sorry brotha. what u gonna do with everything? i got room if u need a place to finish ur plants. ill just leave the gate unlocked and u can roll thru. fuck man. feel like i lost my mentor. :cry:
that sucks, but I guess I can see his concern, growing and kids don't really mix. Not because I believe it is wrong, more because it opens a route for the govt to take your kids unrightfully through CPS. Best of luck with all the life changes, it must feel overwhelming I'm sure.
BC, I'm sorry man, truly. I somehow know how that a sense anyways, and I know it sucks.

Regardless of if you ever continue or not I'd like to thank you for everything in the past as well as future and wish you the best in whatever you do. Take care of yourself man and get back on every now and then just to say hey!

Well the bright side is you got two progeny's growing dank you should never have a problem finding something worthwhile. but i do feel for you, when i shut down before i felt like a part of my life was missing i know it sounds weird but there was a void. because really i have no other hobbies. hopefully you can find something to fill in the time.
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