Well-Known Member
wtf no namesmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm lol. looks good. tell **** i hate his room and all the plants cuz im jealous. lmao.
wtf no namesmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm lol. looks good. tell **** i hate his room and all the plants cuz im jealous. lmao.
wtf no names
Dont know if he is or isnt. I just dont like namesmy bad didnt really think a first name was an issue since he isnt on here. would never put a last. or is he on r.i.u. and im just an idiot?
i feel yea brother..waiting on plants is one thing..waitin for a kid to pop out is a whole new animal LOL .... Best of luck to you and the Mrs broiM Fuckin stressin right now bro...
I didnt know your family was expecting a new born! Congrats bro, hope everything goes smoothly and you get a baby with 10 - 10 and healthy!iM Fuckin stressin right now bro...
iM Fuckin stressin right now bro...
Father in law is making me shut down the grow...
Sorry for the disappointment guys.
You and me both....mother fuckin shit. im sorry brotha. what u gonna do with everything? i got room if u need a place to finish ur plants. ill just leave the gate unlocked and u can roll thru. fuck man. feel like i lost my mentor.![]()