My First Lowryder / Short Term Amnesia / LowMaster Auto Soil Grow


Active Member
Yo guys this here is my first grow, jumping in with a few auto strains.

I started with 10 lowryder 2s, thought I could fit a few more into the space so chose some short term amnesias - 12 seeds, all germinated and got 6 lowmaster seeds free with my order - 2 germed so far.

The tent is 3.6 x 2.1 x 3.9 feet with a 400w HPS light. Currently running at 18/6 and about 2 weeks in.
The lowryder seeds were about a year old and wasnt totally expecting them to germinate, but 9/10 did and in the last few days the 10th is up.

I just transplanted the LR2s and STA seedlings into bigger pots in Plagron Bat-mix soil which I just received last night.
The STAs are all looking good, but some of the LR2s are concerning me a bit right now - especially the two that are drooping. Is that over watering, shock or something else? C
Any tips, advice, all appreciated! Thanks!
-- The STAs are in the smaller pots, bigger pots are all LR2s.



Active Member
hello, i just got in 12 short term amnesia haze seeds too and am currently waiting for them to germ. I noticed that the seeds were VERY SMALL and am concerned were yours on the small side too?