My First LSD Experience

This post is more geared to understanding a few things, and share my first time on LSD.

So last Friday me and 3 buddies were chilling. We all wanted to shroom, they have in the past, I have never tried shrooms. Well after making a few calls no one we know can get us shrooms and bud was even hard to find, but one of our guys has acid for $15 a hit. This being our first time we decide to go to a hit each. (one friend did not want to do it, so we were going to get him bud).

So we purchased three hits. It was wrapped in tin foil. I put it in a glass jar and we examined them, three tiny pieces of paper smaller than the tip of a pink finger with a blue background and rainbows and unicorns on them. We come to find out we can't get any weed and the friend who did not want to do LSD decided he would give it a try, having only 3 hits for 4 people and I had never tried any hallucinogens (shrooms, LSD, whatever) agreed to split a hit.

Around 10:00 PM we open the jar about to take the hits and as a friend smells the jar says it smells like Fruity Pebbles cereal. It did. :hump: Anyways we cut the hit in half and we all take it. We put it in our mouths for about 10 mins and chew a little till' its mush. We swallow and wait. 30 mins into it... Nothing. We began thinking we got ripped, and then an hour into it I look at a very large wall and find it difficult to focus on any single point, the grooves on this concrete wall seem to weave in and out on itself and my friends notice the same.

We head to my friends house and in the basement play with billiard balls on the pool table. We slide them across the table and trails of color follow them. After two hours we go back outside and the trees around us seem to move in and out ever so slightly. I can't really say I was seeing crazy stuff, but I saw things I never would have seen normally. I want to describe the overall feeling of being... Happy. It was almost like being Tipsy. Being on top of the world, in complete control, feeling amazing. If someone had walked up to me and tried to fight me that night, I really do think I would have turned into an animal. I felt like I could do anything.

We walk for hours... We were not acting how we normally do but we were not tripping at all. The feeling of being able to do anything was great. We climbed a church building, ran, climb into a building and chilled. And we came home as the sun was rising. I woke up 3 hours later (I had to be somewhere) and felt perfect. I was a little drowsy but not terribly, and stayed up till' 11 PM the next night.

Overall I felt great. I never expected to find Acid out in the midwest and certainly did not expect to take it that night. It was definitely the first of many experiences.

So now with the end of this story I have some questions.

1) I've heard some stuff about some of the biggest producers of LSD being busted in Kansas. (I live on the Kansas-Missouri border) Could this have affected quality and price of the Acid we took?

2) How much does a regular hit of Acid cost? Was 15 dollars/a hit fair? Taking into account were a large city in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest?

3) I have friends curious to try Acid with me in the future but I think that if I was to pay money for just a single hit I might as well trip a little more. (bear in mind I only had half a hit) Would you suspect that taking 2 hits my second time would be safe? And maybe safe for a first timer?

4) LSD is the only Hallucinogen I have ever tried, and I've heard its very different from shrooms. Do you think shrooms are more of an interesting experience by personal opinion.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
2) Price varies upon location. Miami I have two connects, on is $20, another is $15 or 10 for $120 ($12ea.) But my friend in Tampa and my connect in Tallahassee get for $10.
3) My first time on lucy (second trip) I took two hits along with my friend who had tripped on one hit before. He says he will definitely do at least two from now on. To date I don't know of any deaths related to lucy. Just make sure the person is ready mentally and having a sitter to make sure (s)he doesn't freak out is always useful.
4) Personal experience: Lucy gave me clear vision and simple, nice visuals, with a feeling of happiness, any serious life break throughs. Shrooms blinded me with visuals and didn't have as much of an effect on my emotions. But some people are the exact opposite. One of my friends got good visuals and emotion on both, but he had more introspective thoughts on shrooms. But shrooms can cause nausea, depends on person, shroom, etc. For a first trip I say start with Lucy then go shrooms.

heir proctor

New Member
Welcome to HS mate. Glad you enjoyed your first date with Lucy. Reading your review reminded me a lot of my first time. As per your questions,

1) I doubt Pickard's bust had anything to do with the L you recieved, but then again I really have no idea. I don't think much of the L he produced in the midwest stayed there very long.

2) Most people will say that $15 is too much, but if what you got was indeed LSD and not DOx, then I'd say 15 is fair given your location. I too live in a fairly small city and $15 is reasonable up here. $10 being a bit more common though.

3) I would strongly recommend 2 hits next time. You will get a much better taste of what the drug has to offer.

4) I prefer Acid to mushrooms. Both are great, can't really say one is better then the other. Where I live, mushrooms are typically shit quality, way over priced and just very inconsistent. While L is fairly easy to get and consistently good quality.

Happy trails!!

1) I doubt Pickard's bust had anything to do with the L you recieved, but then again I really have no idea. I don't think much of the L he produced in the midwest stayed there very long.
Well I'm not thinking I got any of that stuff. But having people who did one hit and being told by some of their older brothers that they should have tripped a lot more is making us all think is wasn't as potent as it should have been.


Well-Known Member
well their older brothers might have been around when the average blotter was a lot stronger??? I don't know. But 10 years ago, everything was a lot stronger. Either that, or I'm stronger now. Plus it affects everyone differently, like anything else. And set and setting is a HUGE factor with psychedelics. I've taken a few blotters, and hardly felt anything because of the environment... took the same shit a couple weeks later, and blew my mind!
well their older brothers might have been around when the average blotter was a lot stronger??? I don't know. But 10 years ago, everything was a lot stronger. Either that, or I'm stronger now. Plus it affects everyone differently, like anything else. And set and setting is a HUGE factor with psychedelics. I've taken a few blotters, and hardly felt anything because of the environment... took the same shit a couple weeks later, and blew my mind!
Yeah, makes sense I suppose. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If you got off that good off just 1/2 a hit, then I would say $15 is a fair price.

How much to take next time is a decision that, essentially, should be based on how far out there you want to be. If you had a great time and didn't have any negative feelings from 1/2, then maybe just 1 full hit will get you were you want to go. If you want to go even further then take 2. Just keep in mind taking more doesn't only effect the intensity, but the "feeling" as well, if that makes any sense.

Mushrooms are definitely a lot different. For me, even a large dose of mushrooms doesn't give me the tracers and intense visuals like acid. Mushrooms are much more of an introspective experience. I wouldn't want to be in a large crowd where I would want to socialize, especially if they are just drinking and not tripping themselves. Not that I really would enjoy that on acid either, but it would be much more do-able.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sigh. My first time (and only time) we were stoned and my friend got out these little strips of paper and said they were acid. We ate them and then started painting her boyfriends ceiling with spray paint. Being stupid stoned teenagers, we didn't think to open the window, so I think we got higher off of the paint fumes than anything. The acid was crap. When we realized we needed to open a window, we turned the black light on and discovered my nostrils were glowing blue.


Well-Known Member
Personal opinions, if you wanna freak out, eat shrooms, if you wanna have like happiness and mind blowing epiphanies go with lsd. The shrooms do the same but not quite in the same wa. On shrooms your more likely to see patterns, trees as monsters, inanimate objects rn around the room.. You feel like your in some epic journey and do everything with this wierd motive that your a badass. Well I do, some people tend to freak out like little girls and others roll around iggling.. Lol cant say none of those havent happened to me ;)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I had a really good shroom experience. I could hear music, like a choir singing, under all the noise of the house. And the candle flame and shadows were elastic. A couple of times, I thought it could go bad if I let it, but I found it very easy to control and steer away from the negative thoughts.
Personal opinions, if you wanna freak out, eat shrooms, if you wanna have like happiness and mind blowing epiphanies go with lsd. The shrooms do the same but not quite in the same wa. On shrooms your more likely to see patterns, trees as monsters, inanimate objects rn around the room.. You feel like your in some epic journey and do everything with this wierd motive that your a badass. Well I do, some people tend to freak out like little girls and others roll around iggling.. Lol cant say none of those havent happened to me ;)
Personal opinions, if you wanna freak out, eat shrooms, if you wanna have like happiness and mind blowing epiphanies go with lsd. The shrooms do the same but not quite in the same wa. On shrooms your more likely to see patterns, trees as monsters, inanimate objects rn around the room.. You feel like your in some epic journey and do everything with this wierd motive that your a badass. Well I do, some people tend to freak out like little girls and others roll around iggling.. Lol cant say none of those havent happened to me ;)
Thanks. I'll probably be trying shrooms this weekend, I'll post about it on this thread and compare I suppose.