Well-Known Member
Hay guys! (And dannyboy!!!)
I just wanted to post a thread for the noob chem users out there.
I grew two rounds of chem grows and then got into organics and I fkn loooove it!
Its way easier to maintain the plants, it takes less work, is cheaper and produces wayyy better than chem nutes, especially for noobs (in my opinion at least).
My plants smell better, they are more healthy and robust, leaves are darker and always pointing to the lights, etc.
I have yet to harvest my whole plant but just the looks of her blows my mind away.
Oh, and the smell!! The smell is like if you were to take a bunch of lemons and limes and crush them up and smell them, so fruity and citrusy! I love it!
The only problem I had for this current run was that I got spider mites about 3-4 weeks ago and couldnt do anything to get rid of them so that probably didnt help the plant much.. She still looks great though!
So the soil I used was subs super soil on the bottom 20% of my 5gallon geo pot and then I used promix for the base soil with some dolomite lime in there for PH buffering.
I did feed her throughout flower with bat poops high P (only a little bit), alfalfa meal, kelp meal, comfrey, glacial rock dust, vermicompost, liquid seaweed all mixed with about a teaspoon of molasses.
Im still working on gathering more supplies, I feel like im forgetting something here lol.. That is the majority though.
I brew AACT's with the vermicompost and some local forest soil that I gathered on my own and throw a bit of molasses in there for some food, I also add a bit of rock dust for fungal food and fungal housing.
I am growing my own aloe vera and am going to do sprouted seed teas for my next plant, she sprouted 2 days ago!! Wahoo!!!
If anyone has anything they think I should add then leave me a comment I always appreciate advice, helpful criticism!
Oh I guess I should add what kind of lights im using!
I have a 250watt LED light with like 7 different spectrums in it and I have 4 40watt red CFL bulbs, one might be a 26watt but I dont think so. Thats for flowering and I use 8x26watt bulbs for veg, mostly blues but there are a couple reds in there too.
When I make a better veg space thenI will add more bulbs but I cant right now and it seems like they are doing just fine in there.
Anywho, here are my pics!!
Hash tip??
Thanks for reading over my thread!
Leave me some feedback and I will be super happy!!
I just wanted to post a thread for the noob chem users out there.
I grew two rounds of chem grows and then got into organics and I fkn loooove it!
Its way easier to maintain the plants, it takes less work, is cheaper and produces wayyy better than chem nutes, especially for noobs (in my opinion at least).
My plants smell better, they are more healthy and robust, leaves are darker and always pointing to the lights, etc.
I have yet to harvest my whole plant but just the looks of her blows my mind away.
Oh, and the smell!! The smell is like if you were to take a bunch of lemons and limes and crush them up and smell them, so fruity and citrusy! I love it!
The only problem I had for this current run was that I got spider mites about 3-4 weeks ago and couldnt do anything to get rid of them so that probably didnt help the plant much.. She still looks great though!
So the soil I used was subs super soil on the bottom 20% of my 5gallon geo pot and then I used promix for the base soil with some dolomite lime in there for PH buffering.
I did feed her throughout flower with bat poops high P (only a little bit), alfalfa meal, kelp meal, comfrey, glacial rock dust, vermicompost, liquid seaweed all mixed with about a teaspoon of molasses.
Im still working on gathering more supplies, I feel like im forgetting something here lol.. That is the majority though.
I brew AACT's with the vermicompost and some local forest soil that I gathered on my own and throw a bit of molasses in there for some food, I also add a bit of rock dust for fungal food and fungal housing.
I am growing my own aloe vera and am going to do sprouted seed teas for my next plant, she sprouted 2 days ago!! Wahoo!!!
If anyone has anything they think I should add then leave me a comment I always appreciate advice, helpful criticism!
Oh I guess I should add what kind of lights im using!
I have a 250watt LED light with like 7 different spectrums in it and I have 4 40watt red CFL bulbs, one might be a 26watt but I dont think so. Thats for flowering and I use 8x26watt bulbs for veg, mostly blues but there are a couple reds in there too.
When I make a better veg space thenI will add more bulbs but I cant right now and it seems like they are doing just fine in there.
Anywho, here are my pics!!
Hash tip??
Thanks for reading over my thread!
Leave me some feedback and I will be super happy!!