My First Outdoor Grow in Oz


Well-Known Member
bl@%dy nice...west aussie myself..
have you tried the gel spikes yet.?get them from bunnings and they last 3 weeks without water a great back up in this dry climate....;-)


Active Member
I live in the east

Yeah havent used the direct watering system yet. thorght id use them when they get a little bigger

Nah but i will check out the jell spikes as i cant water them every day

thans for the feed back geys. ill keep ya posted :D


Active Member
Sorry forgot to metion. temps rang from 17-28 @ the moment as we are in spring.
one more month and we are looking @ about 25 - 35


Well-Known Member
Mine are all going out soon !
In australia too, hope they turn out as well as yours mate!
what time you planning on harvesting?
as you have them in pots you can take them in if you wanted
or you just leaving them outside and seeing how it goes :)

You started on time, they will get huge by the end of the season !


Active Member
great to see another aussie grower mate... are you in vic? the plants look awesome, i've got 3 at about the same stage as yours and age, ill have to chuck some pics up soon if u wanna geez


Well-Known Member
looking good mate wish i got my shit together and started some earlier...

now i goto catch up!

im in WA myself

ill keep posted



Active Member
hey im a proud aussie chick. wish i could be a bondi beach girl but im just a victorian. u peeps should join my thread...... its called, hey stoned...wat about you. i wanna get as many aussies in there as possible. later mates